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November 24, 2003

Top 3 Stickers on Cars

I have a lot of spare time when driving to work in traffic. This in itself should be bad but I noticed something. Car stickers. The number one by far is the flag. Ahhh the glorious flag. I still believe that anyone with a flag on their car has done so to label themselves as bad drivers. I haven’t seen a good one yet. The next sticker is the Calvin sticker peeing on tough words like Chevy or Ford. Finally, the last sticker is the Playboy bunny. I usually see these on big monster looking trucks. The first thought for me is seeing a big truck overpowering the road is like an admission of lack of penis size. Add the Playboy bunny, and it’s an admission of a retarded guy who lacks penis size and masterbates absurdly because he cant get laid. Of course, this is not always the case but hey..This is my bitch journal so there!

Im finally moving from my oh so courteous roommates. Nothing against them as people but if you have the option to not have roommates, take it. What seems like an economically sound idea for all, is really a pain in the ass later.

Today’s coffee count: 1!!!! SHOCKING!

November 20, 2003

There is something I don’t get about this whole Michael Jackson thing. What kid is into Michael Jackson’s music? Besides Justin Timberlake? I don’t get it. The latest headlines are talking about allegations of him and a 12-year-old boy. Do you know anyone who is waiting for the latest Michael Jackson record to come out? Talk about lack of PR. No one would have known it was coming out if it was not for these allegations. Same with Paris Hilton. Is it any surprise that a sex video came out right as her reality show is about to air?

Anyway, I have not been posting much in my journal because I have been busy with school. This class is about to end just in time for me to move!!! I cannot wait. No more roommates slamming their doors at night. I swear, my roommate has no clue how to shut a door quietly. I counted them slamming it like 20 times one night. It is just insane.

One more week! :)

Today’s coffee count: 3