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December 30, 2003
I had a great vacation. I didn’t think about work once! It was so nice. Usually I can take time off and not feel like I had a vacation but this time I did. Maybe it was the 30 plus hours in a car that made the time feel like it wasn’t flying! I don’t know. I came back to work today after being off only to be reminded of why I am annoyed with people. Only today it isnt so bad, because I have had a break. I have a friend who likes to talk and talk and talk about what she is GOING to do but never does. I think it’s great to have ideas and dreams of what you want to do. Where would we be if people didn’t have them? The thing that annoys me is when someone talks and talks but does nothing about it. If their situation is so bad do something, don’t just wallow in shit! Maybe I am just a different personality type. Im always curious what will come out of her mouth next. I think I also know myself in that if I say Im going to do something, I better make sure Im going to do it before I speak because others will hold me to it, even if they don’t say anything to me about it. It’s called integrity. We need more people in that world with integrity and less with hot air valves in their mouths.

Today’s coffee count: 3.

December 19, 2003
For the last week and a half my daughters TV has been coming on by itself at 3:27 am every morning. I thought after the first time, one of her friends set the timer on her cable with the remote so I dismissed it. I checked the timers and nothing was set. So the next night, 3:27 am, the TV goes on again!! I turn it off and unplug the cable box…the next night, it doesn’t go off. Of course the whole time, my daughter is sleeping right through any noise and myself being in another room am instantly awake! Whats up with that?! So the cable box is unplugged, and last night, the TV goes on again at 3:27am to that poltergeist snow looking screen. Wonderful. Wasn’t Halloween in October? I turned off the power strip to everything this morning. So if I come home and the TV goes off again, Im going to start really wondering! Im on Vacation for Christmas to Mormon town. Woohoo! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night (unless its 3:27 am in my house)!!

Today’s coffee count: 2.

December 12, 2003
I love the latest headlines…”Flu fears spur long lines for vaccine” ( “Flu Fears”( “Flu Spreads Throughout U.S.” ( The thing is this…the media loves to feed on fear and hey why not? It takes the focus off the bunk war in Iraq. There are all these people standing in lines that really need to get their elderly parents in line or friends who have children under 2 in line, because they are the most at risk. Most people who actually die from the flu are over age 65 or under 2 years old! I hate the “be afraid” crap that is all over. I agree there is a certain amount of precaution that needs to be taken with the diseases out there today but seriously, the flu is not going to kill any more people than it did last year or the year before. It’s not even the flu that kills people either. It’s a mixture of pneumonia and the flu!!! People don’t just have the sniffles one day and drop the next. Its more than that and I hate that the news only gives the half assed part of the story. They are seriously being employed to scare people who don’t think outside the box and do a little research. Shouldn’t the news focus on real leading causes of death like heart disease, which is number 1 or Cancer, which is number 2? Or hell even unintentional injuries ranks higher than the flu! Shouldn’t they report about safety then? I can only imagine the headlines with that. “DON’T LEAVE THE HOUSE, IT COULD KILL YOU!”

Today’s coffee count: 3.

December 3, 2003

I don’t know why but people are annoying me lately. There is no consideration for others. Maybe it’s the season, I don’t know. Im one of those people who will do a favor and not ask why. I ask for a favor and the person forgets or acts like Im really putting them out. I hate that shit. Maybe I need to start forgetting to be considerate of others. I don’t know that it’s in me to do that though. It just eats at me that people are so self-centered about little stuff. How hard is it to go an inch beyond your comfort zone for someone? There is a guy here at work who I do a lot of work for that is moody like a chick and god knows what I did but he is being all moody to me now. I love it when people think that ignoring you is better than just saying what the hell is wrong! Maybe it is none of my business what is wrong, but then don’t be a dick to me! Some would say don’t care so much about others and what they think. Of course, this is the same advice that usually comes from people who are callous and ass like until it is pointed out to them. I think I need some sleep.

Today’s coffee count: 2. (the day before, it was 5)