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By "minding his own business" President Roosevelt left the Japanese room to attack Pearl Harbor. History is taught today as a tool for making better decisions about the future. By minding our own business we're leaving room for other countries to persecute their enemies for doing things that we consider freedoms, and unfortunately take for granted. We're going to go to war. I suggest, rather than wasting your time protesting (if you're even going to do that), you do something to support the men and women who defend your rights as an American citizen. I suppose it's hard to understand what they face when you're sitting in the comforts of capitalism, while they're overseas worried if they'll see their families again. But go ahead and mock the President. I'll defend your right to do that to my death. I only hope by doing so I'm not defending stupidity.

AOL Instant Messenger: SupermanSkivies
Some people think gratuitous mailto links are a form of harassment.
But there's a difference between harassment and revenge.

2003 Schedule of Classes

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