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Days Until I Graduate (knock on wood)

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Hi people my name is Marybeth and this is my webpage- welcome! I am at the wonderful, luxurious Xavier University, soaking up all of my parents' cold hard cash. I'm living in me casa with six other lovely girls and although it's considered prostitution for that many girls to live together, we don't seem to mind at all. I hope all of you are doing swell at college. I miss you all! For those of you who have never seen me, here are some tid bits about yours truly. -I am an Aries -I am 5'9 and 1/4" -I have brown eyes and brown hair -I am now a Natural Sciences (pre-med) major at this wonderful institution -My favorite color is light blue -I love elephants -My favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream with whipped cream and hot fudge -I am lucky to have the most incredible boyfriend in the world -I'm in Alpha Epsilon Delta (newly elected chair member) this year(the national pre-med honor society)-I work at Children's Hospital in Cincinnati in the Wylie and Heasman lab (luckily without my picture on the webpage) and I volunteer at the Crossroad's Health Clinic

Quote: "When you fight evil with evil, evil always wins"

Control the pet population, get your pet spaded or neutered

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I love Elephants :)