LegendHold Every Flavor Bean HT

Normal-Eyed (carrier), MDR1 N/N, GCS-Non-Carrier

Sire: CH McMaur's Black Gold HT - "Kobe"
Dam: CH LegendHold Beauty N T'Beast CD,PT,VA,JHD,CGC, HIC,OFA-g, thyroid normal, heart clear -- "Belle"

Bertie's Pedigree

October 11 & 12, 2008: Bertie finished up her HT
with two solid back to back runs this weekend.
Considering that she has only seen sheep
four times before this weekend that's pretty good.
She had a very nice work ethic going
and really didn't want to stop in the 2 minutes
or less it took for her to complete each run this weekend.
On to PT hopefully in the spring

Bertie is a little bit of a surprise in a little package.
While not obvious, she is white factored confirmed by DNA testing, which is surprising considering her markings.
She's got a lot of very sweet qualities along with a few really naughty ones you would expect out of a puppy.
I'm sure she'll end up maturing into the choice flavor of the litter.

Back to the Girls


By the way, Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans are available for purchase
through the Jelly Belly Corporation webpage or at Borders Books and Music!
Eat at your own risk!
Featured in many of the Harry Potter Stories, these special beans just fit in perfectly for the theme of this litter
Please support WarnerVideo and buy a copy of the Harry Potter Movies!