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The "Tragety" of Columbine

Welcome to my page of Columbine. I know, I know...columbine is one of the most overplayed thing since spam, but I don't care! I'm gonna tell you what I think. I think that whole 'violence on TV' thing is crap! They did it because of the stupid preps at their school! Time magazine(dec.20,1999/about the teachers)says,"Maybe they saw the kids who flicked the ketchup packets or tossed the bottles at the trench-coat kids in the cafeteria. 'But things never got out of hand,'they say. Evan Todd, a 255-lb. defensive lineman who was wounded at the school, describes the climate as this way: 'Columbine is a clean, good place except for those rejects," Todd says about Klebold and Harris and their friends. 'Most kids didn't want them there. They were into witchcraft. They were into voodoo dolls. Sure we teased them. But what do you expect with kids who come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? It's not just jocks; the whole school's disgusted with them. They're a bunch of homos, grabbing each other's private parts. If you want to get rid of someone, usually you just tease em'. So the whole school would call them homos, and when they did something sick, we'd tell them, 'You're sick and that's wrong'". So, Mr.Evan Todd, you don't like different? Well,I guess that explains why you're a jock, you want to be like everyone else. Well, get ready, because this is a new revolution! Ever since Eric and Dylan got the balls to shoot you worthless wastes of skin, every person in that same situation is saying the same thing,"More rage, more rage, I'm building it up! And I bet you're thinking, "she's wrong, they open fired at the entire school, not spacifically preps!". Well,Columbine was made up entirely of preps! Just listen to the interviews! "the whole school's disgusted with them...most kids didn't want them there...". If Columbine is such a "christian community", then how's come they wouldn't just leave the trench-coat mafia alone and embrace the differences? Even though they weren't the most religous people or the most loving people doesn't mean that they should be treated that way. Now that is what I call a hate crime.