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Hey, it's me Justin. :-) I'm six years old. I'm making my first webpage with the help of my grandparents. They are nice, I call them Ganmommy and Poppy anyway I'll tell you about them later. =D If you keep reading you'll learn all kinds of cool stuff about me and my family.

Oct. 10, 2002...Hi it's me Justin. I know its been a long time but here we are with our dog peanut. I am 10 years old now and my brother is 4, peanut is 1. I still like King and I am thinking of giving this site to my brother and making me a new one. I play soccer and baseball and all kinds of video games.

May 16, 2003...Hi it's me again. My parents are getting a divorce and i am really sad about the whole thing so is my little brother. I love my parents but they were always fighting so i guess its good for them to be apart. Me and my dog, Porkchop would hide behind my bed when they would start yelling at each other guess its good now becuase they don't fight anymore. Why do people have to stop getting along or stop loving each other?

September 14, 2003 My Mom is having a baby and now we just found out its a girl. I kinda think its cool having a baby sister. My Mom met this nice guy, his name is Hayes. I can say that now becuase i looked for tons of reasons not to like him but i couldn't find any./:)

hmm let's see. I love video games. TEKKEN is one of my favorites! I like being KING (the animal). besides that, I play t-ball and love coloring and drawing. when it comes to tv, i like all cartoons but some of my favorites are POKEMON, sailor moon, reboot and dragon ball z.

I have a little brother, named Brandon he is 11 months old. =D Brandon is so cute and he makes me laugh all the time. He loves to play and chew on all of my toys. Oh yeah, without a doubt Brandon thinks the best time to "take care of business" is once you're fully dressed and ready to leave the house. *sigh*

My Family
Cool Links

I'm a Pokémon Trainer!


The Productive Play Company

I'll be working on my web site so please come back to see me and my family. Cool links and pictures coming. =) bye for now.. Love, Justin :)

Please email me, okay? =D

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