Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.

~~~~~~~John 12: 42-43 (NIV)~~~~~~~

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The Harvesters


by The Harvesters

You will only find one answer when your mountains get too high,
Just look up, hold to God's unchanging hand;
You will find sweet peace and know there's still power in his hands,
Mover of mountains he's still moving mountains today.

He's the mover of mountains he's still moving mountains today,
Picked me up off the mountain of sin and showed me the way;
If you've got a mountain you can't go through,
God's gonna move that mountain for you;
The mover of mountains will always do what he said he would do.

When the storms blow all directions I will trust his guiding hand,
For he's always been the keeper of my soul;
Leaning on his precious promise Jesus said it and I know,
There's no power that the mover of mountains cannot control.

He's the mover of mountains he's still moving mountains today,
Picked me up off the mountain of sin and showed me the way;
If you've got a mountain you can't go through,
God's gonna move that mountain for you;
The mover of mountains will always do what he said he would do.

He's the mover of mountains he's still moving mountains today,
Picked me up off the mountain of sin and showed me the way;
If you've got a mountain you can't go through,
God's gonna move that mountain for you;
The mover of mountains will always do...

The mover of mountains will always do...

The mover of mountains will always do what he said he would do.