Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

~~~~~~~~~~Matthew 26:38-39 NIV~~~~~~~~~~

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Crossmen Quartet


by The Crossmen Quartet

In shadows of midnight, in a garden,
You could hear a voice pray;
Father, if possible, please let this cup pass away.
The hour was upon him,
The battle between love and hate;
When the master of evil,
Would challenge the Master of Grace.

He walked up that lonely hill with the
Load of the cross on his back, so beaten and torn;
Leaving behind him footprints of blood,
That led to where Christians were born;
The hands that once reached out to heal the
Blind eyes, were nailed to an old rugged tree;
There on that hillside the
Master of Grace died for me.

The battle's now over,
Thank God my soul's been set free;
For the one who once held me
In prison has lost hold on me;
The account now is settled,
Payment in blood has been made;
The wonderful King of all glory
Became Master of Grace.

He walked up that lonely hill with the
Load of the cross on his back, so beaten and torn;
Leaving behind him footprints of blood,
That led to where Christians were born;
The hands that once reached out to heal the
Blind eyes, were nailed to an old rugged tree;
There on that hillside the
Master of Grace died for me.

There on that hillside the
Master of Grace died for me.