Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

~~~~~~~Psalm 37:5-6 NIV~~~~~~~

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by A Cappella Harmony Quartet

The wind was howling,
Waves were crashing high,
The disciples cried out in despair
Afraid that they would die;
Then they saw Jesus
Walking on the water through the storm,
And Peter heard him call his name
Above the roar.

Get out of the boat and into the water
Step right out and face the storm,
You can trust your Heavenly Father
When He calls you overboard;
Get out of the boat and into the water
Keep your eyes upon the Lord,
You can walk on water with the one
Who'll lead you to the shore.

What kind of storm is raging in your life?
You can hear the Savior calling you,
Are you afraid to try?
The enemy can't stand against you
If you will believe,
Faith to step into the storm
That's all you need.

Get out of the boat and into the water
Step right out and face the storm,
You can trust your Heavenly Father
When He calls you overboard;
Get out of the boat and into the water
Keep your eyes upon the Lord,
You can walk on water with the one
Who'll lead you to the shore.

Get out of the boat and into the water
Step right out and face the storm,
You can trust your Heavenly Father
When He calls you overboard;
Get out of the boat and into the water
Keep your eyes upon the Lord,
You can walk on water with the one
Who'll lead you to the shore.

You can walk on water with the one
Who'll lead you to the shore.

Lead you to the shore!