Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Peter 1:13~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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by The Gracemen

Precious memories, how they linger.

Memories of my childhood days I recall them now and then.
Gathered there with all the family near;
But the circle has been broken, it's not the same anymore,
And up there we'll meet again on Heaven's shore.

I wonder if the family circle will be together once again,
Over there on Heaven's shining shore;
Never more to separate, we'll sing around the throne,
I wonder if the family circle will all get home.

Will Daddy be there waitin' when I cross death's chilly shore?
Will Mommy be there standing by his side?
I pray the family circle will be together once again,
In a land where the soul shall never die.

I wonder if the family circle will be together once again,
Over there on Heaven's shining shore;
Never more to separate, we'll sing around the throne,
I wonder if the family circle will all get home.

I wonder if the family circle will be together once again,
Over there on Heaven's shining shore;
Never more to separate, we'll sing around the throne,
I wonder if the family circle will all get home.

Never more to separate, we'll sing around the throne,
I wonder if the family circle will all get home.

I wonder if the family circle will all get home.