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In Memory

On Sept. 11, 2001, two planes were hijacked and crashed into the Trade Towers in New York. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon and a fourth crashed not far from Camp David.

This is for those who were lost in these tragedies:

"Farewell is said by the living, in life, every day. It is said with love and friendship, with the affirmation that the memories are lasting is the flesh is not.

When I die...may there be friends who will grieve for me, who will carry our shared joys and pains, who will carry my memory.

This is the immortality of spirit, the everlingering legacy, the fuel of grief.

But so, too, the fuel of faith." --R.A. Salvatore, The Legacy

I know that most everyone is shaken by these recent events, but we must not lose our spirit. We must not cow before these terrorists:

Watch Me

You say it isn't possible,
You say it can't be done.
What do you know? Nothing.
With God I will have sung.

Against all odds and circumstance
I will rise, not fall, you see.
You will tell me, 'No, you can't.'
I will whisper, 'Watch me.'

You say I cannot be myself
And still live in this world.
But I will be defiant still.
My Spirit is unfurled.

Against all odds and circumstance
I will rise, not fall, you see.
You will tell me, 'No, you can't.'
I will whisper, 'Watch me.'

And so you will continue
A fight you'll never win.
And I'll sit back and watch you,
And I'll just sit and grin.

Against all odds and circumstance
I will rise, not fall, you see.
You will tell me, 'No, you can't.'
I will whisper, 'Watch me.'

We will NEVER be broken!
