Naseer(aka Naz) : My Dearest dearest friend, cousin. If anyone of you want to know my secret he is the right person to catch. He knows from my head to toe and vice-versa. He is of course very handsome, girls run after him as fast as they would run for an Olympic medal. Needless to say that he is biggest flirt in town.
Aamir (aka AK) : One of my cousins and a very dear friend too. AK is a 3d web designer and he has helped me a lot in making of my website and he is the one who made me the fantastic flash intro page. If you are in Ahmedabad and want to create any website or want to learn something on the computers, he is The Man to catch (coz that is at least what I do). You can check his website
Qamar (aka Q) : A dear friend from England. As all of you know that I hardly speak (you all agree to it, right? LOL), whereas she thinks that I talk too much!!! She likes photography and she likes to watch movies. She has been really busy last few days with her friend's wedding. I really miss talking to her.
Debra (aka Dodo™) : My dearest darling girl. She is from Singapore and very close to my heart. She is in Perth Australia, for further studies. I miss her loads. All I can say is that you have been a real good friend, good luck with your future!
Jennifer (aka Ghati) : She is a great great pal, a college mate and is the one who always asked me that I need to study hard. Meet a person who makes you laugh and will laugh with you, that's her GHATI. Anyone who knows her SHOULD call her Ghati and nothing else.
Amit : One of the most calm persons and one of my best friends. Amit also happens to be son of the man who build my apartment. I thank him coz he and his father's team has done a good job (my building is standing even after that earth-quake). This Dashing Guy used to be worlds biggest Flirt but not anymore, he is in jail (I mean he is married) hmm No Comments.. LOL
Gurudutt (aka Guru) : Well as the name goes, he is indeed guru. He is the person who made me use ICQ~!! Well that is more than 4 years back, but he is the one who helped me out starting up with the internet. And now from that day there has been no looking back. He too is a smart chap with excellent humor.
COMING SOON!!! : Keep wondering what does this thing means..... It actually means... this place will be SOON taken by someone... Just keep waiting to know who that Lucky person is... hmmmm is that YOU, YOU or is it YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!! heehehe
Tabu (aka Kameeni™) : Shhhhhhhh!
Heena (aka Hyena) : My sweet sister, who calls me BHAIJAN has just graduated from college. Many Congratulations dear sis! Anyways, she is very sensitive and emotional and probably just because of that I tease her a lot, I guess more then her real brother, hmmm may be not!!!
Neha C (aka Tube Light) : She is the person who likes to beat me for every poor joke that I crack!! Thank you Neha you have made me tough physically now, I can challenge any wrestler and beat his living hell. She is in a race for Close-up Best Smile in the next beauty pageant, all the best Neha. heehehe
Mushir (aka Mush) : The Brainy from Bombay was with me in the Exchange Program and he thinks he has learnt a lot from the program, well I say "HELL OH YEAH, lot more than that was expected of him". He is One half of "Dinamic Muslim Duo", so who's the other one? (Any guesses?).
Currently he is looking for a job, anyone who will help?
Special Mention of my Exchange Friends!   My sweet Veronique (aka Vero, Bherobaba, V, Rony),
Dhiraj (aka D Rock), Rajkishan (aka Raj, Raju),
Mallliiiiina (Muaaaaaaah Lasagna), Darcy (aka Darji),
Nick (aka our Funny Man), Meera (aka Ben), Shelly (aka Gitthi), Joel,
Bryna (aka Biryani), Nicole and Madeline (Maddy)
And ofcourse Felix and Mush. Nishiji & Laura (supervisors, but can be said they were super wisers?)
Plus:- Early departed souls of the program... Preet, Rahul and Sande
Felix (aka Frenchie, Phileesss, Felia) : Felix dans la maison! My counterpart from the Canadian Exchange, he is just like a brother to me. He is the one who taught me real nice French words (Oui, Felix? Est-ce que j'ai raison?). I SHOULD mention that he has learned how to speak (little) Hindi and how to SING Hindi movie songs (Idhar Chala Main Udhar Chala... or be it Suraj Hua Maddam). He is also a perfect Bhangra dancer now... He has done PhD in Nagin style dancing.. And for the SMS Bhai Fans, HE TOO calls me BHAI!!
Amrita (aka Podi) : My very sweet friend from Bombay, Amrita is really nice person to know. She has a great sense of humor. She formerly had been writing articles for New Paper Agency !! So now one can crown her Miss Intelligent, she certainly is damn intelligent (seems though), but I doubt if her parents agree to my statement.. :-)) She is NOT a violent human and I like the way she is smiling all the time. Amrita! Keep Smiling, ALWAYS :-) (And forget NOT that I love that 'heehehe'!!)
Shazneen (aka Shaz) : She happens to be my first and only chat sister, yeah that's right chat sister. Though never met her, still I feel close to her. She is a very sweet sister indeed. From Pune, so must be totally aware of Osho's Ashram. heehehe
Amrin (aka Amber) : Amber should get an Award for the Best Female Actress in Emotional Role! heehehe. She does it all, be it laughing role, dancing role, beating the hell out of me! But she has a Special Degree in crying. Mannn you would find her crying more than the total runs scored by Australian Cricket Team! heehehe I know, she is going to kill me for these comments.
Shivani (aka Shiv) : She is a cute girl from Pune. I met her for the first time when I went to Manali for a small vacation. And after that we became good friends on the internet, now we trouble each other through SMS. Thanks to Shiv, she gave me a sweet li'l sister Shaz.
Varsha (aka Ghughu™) : My Sweet sweet girl from Bombay. She is 18 years old and currently studying and she too is very close to my heart. She is such a Ghughu that she never sleeps at Nights (she says, she is busy studying at night) and she sleeps the whole day, don't you think she should be called an Owl?? lol. (kidding) But she is really sweet and she knows that I am always there for her!

Some Other Think Tanks

: My other sweet friends are Alpesh, Rohan, Ankit, Tushar, Ariff 'Mama', Shadab, Mayuri 'bodi', Deepak 'Pizza face', my cousin bro Farook, Kazzafi (stays in Ajmer), Muamber 'Momcy',Sami 'SAMDev', Saad 'Saadu Singh', Rajan, Rayomand, Riaz, Sarfaraz, Mushir, Tanveer 'Sir', Junaid 'Junior'... I'm sorry if I missed anyone, I know that I have missed many but the next time I sit to edit this page I will definitely add them. God Bless You All.