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Bond Quotes

Welcome to Bond Quotes! What is your favorite bond quote? Email it to me at and I'll post it! Don't forget your name, quote, and movie it was from on the email! Here are other peoples favorite bond quotes! Remember, you can have more than 1 quote!

Owner of page-"Do you expect me to talk?""No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"-Goldfinger

Owner of page-"Good. Right on schedule."-A View To A Kill

Boris Grishenko(Owner of Page)-"The bubbles, they tickle my...Tchaikovsky!"-AVTAK

Dustin-"Don't touch that! It's my lunch!"-Goldeneye

Name: Emmett

Quote: "Yes! I am invincible!"

Quote by:Boris Grishenko

Quote from: Goldeneye, 1995