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You need to remember that your hedgie is an exotic animal, and you have to earn its trust. Your hedgie does not know you or recognize your scent. Most hedgies will ball up in a defense mode to protect itself. This is normal. Hedgies also hiss and pop to try and scare you away. When your little hedgie does this pick it up “very carefully” from underneath and place the balled up hedgie on the palm of your hand. Make sure your hedgie’s face is facing your “open” palm. Just relax a few seconds and they will unball. You will need to give your hedgie time to get use to your and your scent. One way to make the bonding move along a little faster is to wear an old T-shirt (men) or hanky stuck in your bra (for women) for a consistent 3 days. If you don’t like the idea of wearing the same T-shirt for 3 days then wear the T-shirt to bed for 3 nights. After the 3 days – or more if you like, take the T-shirt/hanky and place it into your hedgie’s cage and leave it there for about a week. This will help them get use to your scent.

As I mentioned before, these little critters are an exotic animal and are not like a dog or cat. All exotic animals that I have owned since they were babies tend to bite. They bite for two reasons. One reason is because they are afraid and feel threaten by you, which in a hedgehogs case, they just seem to ball up and hide. The second reason they bite is because you are new to them. They are trying to see what you are. Are you food? Are you an enemy? The curiosity seems to be the main reason these little critters like to bite.

Always wash your hands before you handle your hedgie. If they smell food on your hands they will think you are a tasty treat. If you have perfume, cologne, or lotion on they will think you are a tasty tidbit too. Hedgies are very curious little critters, so anything that smells different to them may warrant a nibble, to see what you are really made of.

WARNING: A hedgie will usually lick you twice before it bites. If you see it lick you, then remove your finger, hand, arm or any other part away from its mouth.

When hedgies bite, they do not let go for a few seconds. You must remember not to pull away. This will only cause more pain. Try and remember to push into their mouths w/what ever they have a hold of. By pushing into their mouth, this creates a pressure on their jaw, which will make them let go. Most bites rarely result in any breakage of skin.

When your hedgie gets use to you and outgrows its teen years (after about 4 months of age) they usually stop biting altogether.

E-mail me w/ANY questions you may have. Our goal is to make sure each little hedgie gets a secure and loving home.



There are only a few types of hedgehog food that are made for hedgie that are good for them! There is Brisky's Brisky's hedgehog food which may be bought directly from them. They have an 800 number that you can call to get a free sample before you buy the product. 8 in 1 Hedgehog Food or a top quality human grade cat chow like Wellness by Mother Hubbard

***DO NOT feed your hedgie Vitakraft*** This product is very high in fat and is not designed for African Pygmy Hedgehogs. Also DON'T feed you hedgie "hard" treats that usually come in Hedgehog Treat Cans. A hedgehog has a soft pallet and these items get stuck on the roof of their mouth, such as, sunflower seeds, hard died veggies or nuts, etc.

Most PetSmarts carry a dry “treat” for hedgehogs called, Ultra-Blend Fruit ‘N Veggie Treat, made by 8 in 1 Pro. This is a great treat when mixed in w/their dry food - AFTER all the HARD seeds / peas and such are taken out. This is only to be used as a treat and not as a primary food source.

It is recommended that they have ample dry food at all times. You may also mix different types of hedgehog food together if you like.

To keep your hedgie healthy and strong, they must get fruit, vegetables, and meat every day (along w/their dry food as well) Listed below are types of food and ways they can be fed:

Meat: Cooked ground turkey, boiled chicken, Tofu, baby food chicken or baby food turkey.

Vegetables: frozen peas, frozen corn, mixed frozen veggies, baby food sweet potatoes, and baby food squash and other veggies.

Fruit: baby food applesauce or unsweetened applesauce, baby food bananas or fresh, watermelon, strawberries, bananas, cantaloupe, and grapes (no seeds).

Daily Treats: Low fat yogurt (great for calcium) Fresh mealworms – no more than 5 a day at the max, or crickets (these are high in fat). Crickets come freeze dried too. They can be found in the reptile section of your pet store. NEVER give your hedgie anything but store bought mealworms or crickets. Insects in the wild contain pesticides, bacteria and viruses which can make you hedgie sick or even die.

Occasional Treats: Boiled eggs, cottage cheese (low fat) and lean ham. These treats are to be given only on occasion. Hedgehogs tend to get FLD (Fatty Liver Disease). FLD is mostly caused by giving them fatty foods. Hedgehog’s w/FLD tend to get a yellowish tinge to their armpits and bellies. FLD is the number one cause of early death in hedgehogs – this can be prevented by proper diet and exercise. For what to do for FLD click here.

STRAY AWAY FROM: Stay away from cheese, beef, pork, and other fatty meats. Never give them milk.

Always use “plastic” or "Metal" food and water dishes only!!! The ceramic dishes at the pet stores are not made in the US and may contain lead. Over a period of time this can cause lead poisoning. Better safe than sorry. This applies to any animal. Try to teach your hedgie to use a water bottle instead of a dish. Water bottles are more sanitary and bedding stays dryer longer.

* It is a good idea to always pick up food dishes in the morning to prevent spoiling of food. (this does not apply to dry food)


To have a hedgie that is healthy and lives to be a ripe old age, they must have plenty of exercise!!!!! This is very important!!! A hedgie MUST have a wheel to run on. This wheel MUST be designed for hedgehogs only. They can not have a rodent wheel or a wheel that has “rungs” in it. Wheel's w/rungs will break and injure your little hedgie’s legs, or they could lose a toe. The wheel must have a “flat” surface. A wheel must not have a crossbar either. Hedgies that have run on wheels with a crossbar have been known to lose an eye by getting hit by the bar. Here are a few places to get a SAFE hedgehog Wheel Spiny Place Hedgehog Rescue. or TNT Hedgehogs.

What does a "bucket Wheel" look like? See Below.

Wheel Picture by TNT Hedgehogs

Wheel Picture by A Spiny Place Hedgehog Rescue

** For better traction for your hedgie’s feet you put small strips of bath tub adhesive non-slip strips to the inside of the wheel for better running. Space them apart and not all together. Clean the wheel EVERY day by filling the sink up with hot water, soap and a small squirt of bleach and soak and scrub your hedgies wheel. Do this EVERY morning so your hedgie will have clean fresh sanitized wheel to run on next time.

Hedgies love to tube. Empty toilet paper tubes make for lots of fun and exercise for your critter. They love these things. You will get a great laugh out of watching them tube for hours on end. Save your toilet paper tubes and give it to them and watch the fun begin.


Hedgies love to burrow and dig. The best homes I have found have been the “hedgie bags” or “hedgie huts”. You can either buy these or make them yourself, or if you like my Mother-in-law makes them too. She makes WONDERFUL winter ones. The winter ones are denim on the outside, batting in the middle and flannel for them to sleep on the inside. They last for years. Hedgie bags look like little square pillowcases for them to crawl into and sleep. If you make them yourself you must remember that any loose string can be harmful to them. You must also remember any fabric that may fray (especially after they dig in it) will be harmful as well. Strings, ribbons, fabrics w/loops and hair have been known to wrap around their little feet and cut into their skin. One little hedgie I heard of had to have his little foot amputated due to a string being wrapped around his leg. Denim and flannel make for good winter bags. For summer, use a lightweight fabric that is durable and won’t fray. If you don’t have the time to sew your own hedgie bag like I said my mother-in-law makes can make them for you. It is always good to have at least two summer and two winter bags. They tend to spill food on them from time to time and need to be washed. Always wash your hedgie bags with just a tad of bleach to sanitize them.

NEVER, EVER use a towel in their cage. Towels have “loops” which cause little toes to get caught and can be broken or amputated. You may hold your hedgie in a towel w/supervision, but never let them have a towel to sleep in permanently.

The bigger, the better. I strongly recommend the Starilite containers that you can get at Wal-Mart, K-mart or Target. They are huge plastic storage containers. They are cheap, easy to clean, and lightweight. During the winter months if your house it not real warm (we keep ours at 60, lol) place a towel under the cage w/a heating pad between the cage and the towel. Never place the heating pad directly in the cage w/your hedgie and put a timer on your heating pad. Place the heating pad on LOW and set the timer for 2 hours on, and 1 hour off. A hedgehog can NOT be in temperature that is below 70 degrees. Other wise they will go into hibernation and will die. If you find your hedgie in a ball and will not come out and act a little slow, chances are he is cold and is trying to hibernate. Warm them up in warm water ASAP!!

Never use cedar for ANY animal. Cedar gives off fumes that create respiratory problems and even death. Corncob bedding is not a good choice either; it tends to mold and create bacteria. Use pine or aspen. There are a few paper types of bedding that are ok to use but more costly. If you have a male hedgie check him from time to time so that his penis is clear of any bedding or food that may get stuck to him. There was a case of a male hedgie who had a wood splinter in his penis from the bedding that he was using.

Huge baby pools with lots of toys is an excellent way for your hedgie to roam, play and explore in complete safety!!! They love the pool pens.

Hedgie must never free roam in your house w/out supervision. If you have a room that is completely hedgie safe then it would be ok to let them roam free. Remember most carpeting is very dangerous to your little hedgie. Hedgies tend to get their little toenails caught in the loops.


From time to time your little one may get dirty or have a case of “poopy feet". This may warrant a bath. For really bad poopy feet soak them in warm water for a few minutes before you start to scrub. Make sure the bath water is warm – not hot, and only 1 ½" to 2" deep. These little critters don’t like baths much. The best way to bathe them is to use baby shampoo and a few drops of baby oil in the water. Hedgies tend to get dry itchy skin and this helps to make it supple and less dry. Use a baby brush to scrub in between the quills or Some people use an old toothbrush. Be warned as soon as your hedgie hits the warm water, they will poop!!!! Draining the water and filling it back up with fresh clean, water is highly recommended. You may have to drain and refill the bath water a few times before you are done.

Every two weeks, at least that’s what it seems like to me, you will need to clip those back nails. Only clip the “white” part and not the colored part of the nail. Every once in a while you will need to clip the front ones as well. The best thing to use is just plain old nail clippers that you use every day.

For dry scaly skin, give them a warm oatmeal bath or a bath w/ a few drops of baby oil. You can also add a few drops of vitamin E oil in their food as well. Try to keep their skin supple and prevent it from becoming dry.

If you notice that your hedgie has white flaky skin and is itching a lot, take it to the Vet for a skin scraping to make sure it is not mites.


Never, ever let your hedgie’s house get below 70 degrees. These little critters get cold easily and tend to hibernate. These animals are not equipped to hibernate. If you catch you hedgie trying to hibernate act immediately!!!! Put them on a warm heating pad and get them to move around. If this is not working warm water might be better. Don't put your hedgie in the water, he might drown if he is very deep in hibernation. Just run the warm water over him while you hold him. If a hedgie hibernates for more than 10 hours it’s chances of survival are very slim. It is very important to have a heating pad under your hedgies cages on LOW during the entire winter. Place the heating pad directly "under" their cage – not in the cage. Place it under where they sleep. This will allow the hedgie to go to the other side of the cage if it gets too hot. Do not place it under their food or water. Also place heating pad on timer with the timer set for 2 hours on and 1 hour off.

What does hibernating look like? Hibernating is when they ball up real tight and will not budge. They act as if they are frozen that way. Once they start to unball their tummy is usually cool to the touch and so are their legs.

Not too much is known about this WHS. Most think that this is a neurological disease. It is when your hedgies back legs don’t work as well as they should. They might fall over or wobble. The first thing to do is call your vet and have the hedgie checked for inner ear infection. Sometimes inner ear infections have been the problem and not WHS. In one case cedar bedding was to blame and making the hedgehog sick.

Being too cold can also cause neurological damage to the point that your little hedgie will no longer be able to walk. There is one case where a very healthy and chubby hedgehog was given to a new owner. The new owner returned the little hedgehog back to the breeder in three weeks. In three weeks time the little hedgie was at almost half of it’s weight and had trouble walking. After about a month this poor little hedgie was unable to walk at together! The breeder later found out that the person they gave this hedgie too would turn off her heater in her house when she was not home. The house got too cold for this little hedgie and affected his nervous system. I can’t stress enough that keeping your hedgie warm is very crucial. A small heating pad only costs around $12.00 and a timer about $5.00. Well worth having.

Hedgies are little pooping machines, which you may have found out by now. If you have noticed that your little hedgie has not gone to the bathroom as much as you think it should, try putting it in a few inches of warm water. That usually does the trick.

It is good to start looking around now for a good vet that is willing to see your hedgie before it gets sick. A good place to start is Hedgehog Welfare Society. Scroll to the bottom of the page and put in your state. Another place to look for a hedgehog vet is at Hogisle Vet Locator. Remember not all hedgies are legal in all states so you need to find a vet that will not report you. If you are having trouble finding a vet e-mail me and I will try to locate one for you in your area. Some vets are willing to see your hedgie but don’t know how to treat them. In this case contact me and I can put your vet into contact w/other vets that will consult w/them over the phone.

A MUST!!!!!!!

It is extremely important to check your hedgie every morning. Hedgies can be extremely active at night. It is always good to inspect your little hedgie from head to toe to tummy to tail every day. Inspecting your hedgie from above is not good enough. Once your hedgie gets use to you, you should be able to scruff your hedgie (picking them up behind the ears like you do a cat). It is easy to look underneath them very easily in this position. Check their feet, legs, ears, “bald spot” and tummy. One dedicated owner use to put his hand in his hedgies bag every morning to see if she was ok. The little hedgie would huff and pop so the owner thought she was fine. A few days later he found out that his hedgie was hemorrhage. The hedgie was rushed to the vet in time and saved. If the owner would have taken the hedgie out of its bag and checked it from top to bottom he would have notice this problem much earlier.


This is the funniest thing and the most misunderstood thing a hedgie does. Most hedgies, when they come in contact w/lotion, perfume or sweat from your body, will lick the area and then start to “self-anoint.” No one knows why they do this, but we all agree that it is funny to watch. Self-anointing is when they taste something that they like, they start to foam at the mouth, and they take their longs tongues and throw the foamy mixture onto their quills. Babies especially like to do this w/their food. There have been cases where owners have given their hedgies blueberries only to wake up the next day to find that they now own blue hedgehogs *L*.

Don’t be alarmed if you see a “bald” spot on the top of your hedgie’s head. This is normal. This allows them to ball up when they are frightened. Checking this bald spot from time to time is recommended to keep an eye on how dry your hedgies skin is.


If at any time you decide that you can’t care for, or just don’t want your little hedgie, please e-mail me and I will locate someone in your area that would be willing to take care of it. It is very important to us that these little critters receive a loving and caring home. I know at times things may change and people must give their animals away. If this should happen to you, don’t hesitate to e-mail me.

You may register your Hedgie TODAY!!!!

To learn more about hedgehogs I highly suggest that you sign up to a group list. Below are some ideas on how to get started. You will meet great friends, laugh, and learn alot. Not to mention, be able to network with other in trying to find help or just trying to get a "hedgehog show" together.

If you would love to join a hedgehog list please go to: Yahoo and do a search for "hedgehog" or any animal or subject for that matter, and join.

I HIGHLY recommend you do a search for "hedgehog_help" is the "911" of all hedgehog lists. A MUST have for ALL Hedgehog owners. Don't forget to put in the "under score" when typing in "Hedgehog_Help.

A great hedgehog list with a lot of fun and humor is at: Pig Pog Lives (if this link doesn't work, some times it does and some time it doesn't...then do a search on Yahoo for this list).

Another great place to check out is,

These are great lists that are entertaining, educational and a great help to all.

** aren’t you glad that I have stopped typing? *L*

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