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Today's date:

*reaches down to pet the beautiful feline* Ello. *smiles* Here's my page, nothing fantastic. Just a bunch of html slapped onto a blank text block. hehe Eh, you should find some stuff about me here... blah blah blah... The Poems and Thoughts pages have been updated. I've made a "Tag" page. It consists of the results and links to various quizzes I've taken. I've also made a page of pics from Spanky's visit to Akron. If ya want your BB on my BB page then mail me a belly button pic. First, could you do me a favor? Tell your lil voices to SHUT UP!! I can't hear mine...

This lil thing is from It tells you how I'm feeling at the moment.
The current mood of at

God has not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, love, and a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1-7

PIMPBEaR 4LIZIFE [3:52 AM]: welcome to the world of aol where back stabbers and liars live...

"Late at night I can hear your voices, talking chit about all my choices. You would think you've known me forever, just because you know my name."

My guestbook used to be right about here. But I thought it was useless. If you want to tell me anything, e-mail me...

This is a link to one of my fav. artists, Liselotte Erikkson. Nifty faeries...

What does being a bad kitty consist of? Click and find out. ;0)
Bad Kitty Laws

Two clubs I hang out at when I get the chance.
Interbelt Nite Club
1470 West

Click here to dl some music from a kickass Dayton band.

Lead vocalist of FREQ


Friend's Pages

Whatcha Wanta Know About BJ?
Spanky's Nights Sky
Jessiah's World of Apathy
World Parody Productions - More F**king Fun Than the Osbournes!!
