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This page contains various terms that have been used on the Dunne's Darlins' list and their meanings.

Aww Wars n. 1. What happens when one does not share the Aww.

boo boo v. 1. The later form of an owie, i.e. you inflict an owie and it becomes a boo boo which must be kissed. (As demonstrated by Leslie)

cheerleader n. 1. A Darlin who encourages (not pushes) one to write a fanfic.

clinic n. 1. Where Nathan Jackson lives with his part time room mate, JD Dunne.

dunne v. 1. Indicates you are finished.

dunnederful (dun'der'full) adj. 1. Exciting wonder of awwwwww; marvelous.



great adj. 1. The word not allowed to describe any fanfic.


"I'm fine" adj. 1. Used to describe the extent of owies and boo boos, when this is said it is never good (for him), usually followed be fever, nightmares.

insomnia n. 1. Force that drives someone to write fanfic. (As demonstrated by Stefanie)

JDFic n. 1. Where a writer creates a story inflicting gratuitous harm to JD Dunne, inflicting owies and boo boos.

kid n. 1. What one uses to refer to JD Dunne. (Mostly demonstrated by Buck and Vin)

the 'look' n. 1. The puppy dog eyes that make grown men give into one JD Dunne's every whim.


noisy kids n. 1. Force that drives someone to write fanfic. (As demonstrated by Karin)

owie n. 1. An injury given to one JD Dunne.

puppy dog eyes adj. 1. Describes a certain way JD looks at times of guilt, sadness, or pleading.


ramble v. 1. What one does when they are a 'DigestedDarlin' and responds to all messages at once. (Use to be demonstrated by Karin)

sick bed n. 1. What JD Dunne is usually in.

son n. 1. What one uses to refer to JD Dunne. (Mostly demonstarted by Chris and Josiah)



vices n. 1. Caffine, Diet Pepsi Big Slams, Caffine, Mountain Dew overdose, caffine, etc.....





The MIDI playing is the theme to "The Magnificent Seven."