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DWF Angle Timeline

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The following is a timeline or history of the DWF angles involved in the "New Generation" of DWF. The Dwf began in 1993 and used to be real competion. When the DWF was purchased by the current Owner Zeb Gardner from the old Owner Zach Gardner ,in 1998, the DWF went through a transformation from real athletic competion to sports entertainment. The following is all the main angles that have went on in the DWF from when it switched to sports enterainment. Remember there were more angles than this, this was just the upercarders. enjoy!

April, 1998.....DWF holds Battle for the Belts 98... Zeb Gardner defeats David Amerine to win the vacant DWF World Championship with his zebmission hold..Corey Perkowski wins the vacant Intercontiental (IC) title by beating James Griffith...Jeff Harmon beats David Walton to be crowned the first ever Lightweight champion...Z-Generation X or ZX (Old time DWF competitors Zach Gardner and Zach Cummings) makes there first apperance in the DWF while not under contract and disrupt a battle royal, this would start the ZX vs. DWF fued....

May, 1998......DWF Revenge pay per view...DWF top name Jono Kennedy joins ZX shockingly before winning the lightweight title from Jeff Harmon...In a high stakes match Zach Gardner defeated David Walton, to get himself and Zach Cummings contracts in the DWF, and getting the newest ZX member Jono Kennedy a World Title match at the next ppv June Slam Jam.....World Champion Zeb Gardner defeated Walton, who was rewarded a world title shot for going against Zach Gardner with his Zebmission hold.....

June, 1998.....DWF June Slam Jam ppv...ZX leader Zach Gardner defeated both David Amerine and Matt Fishley to recieve a World Title match at the next ppv Pooly Loaded....In the much anticipated main event Jono Kennedy of ZX beat Zeb Gardner to win the World title with help from ZX

July, 1998....Pooly Loaded ppv....Zach Cummings of ZX wins the IC title from Corey Perkowski...In the main event Zach Gardner defeated fellow ZX member Jono Kennedy in a strap match to win his over all 7th DWF World title...Every member of ZX owned every DWF title at the time (Gardner owned World, Cummings owned IC, and Kennedy owned Lightweight)....

August, 1998....Summer Sizzler ppv...Corey Perkowski won the IC title back from Zach Cummings...In the biggest match thus far in the DWF Zeb Gardner won the World title when he pinned Zx leader Zach Gardner in a 6 man tag team match. The match had the stipulation that if anyone pinned Zach Gardner they would become the new DWF World Champion...After the match Cummings and Zach Gardner kicked Jono Kennedy out of ZX for what they said as not doing his job...

September, 1998...the first ever DWF is War broadcast...In a shocking event ZX reformed with Zach Gardner kicking Zach Cummings out and getting Jono Kennedy back in, getting new member David Walton in and the biggest shock of all Zeb Gardner...A group known as the Krazy Klowns (KK) was formed consisting of Torie Biddle, David Amerine, Ashley Smith and Corey Perkowski.

September, 1998....Point Break ppv...Zach Gardner beat Zach Cummings in a suspense in a fence match...In the main event a triple threat tag team match to crown new tag team champions David Walton and Neil Houze were victourious over the ZX team of Zeb Gardner and Jono Kennedy, and the KK team of Torie Biddle and Corey Perkowski....

October, 1998...All Hallow's Eve ppv...Zach Cummings announed he wouldnt be back in the DWF for a long time after a DQ victory over Ashley Smith... KK member David Amerine becomes the number one contender to the World Title when he upsets ZX leader Zach Gardner in a great match... ZX member Jono Kennedy retained his lightweight title and won the IC title when he beat KK member Corey Perkowski in an amazing Dover Death Match after a face buster on a chair...In the main event ZX member Zeb Gardner succesfully defended the World title when he beat KK member Torie Biddle in a Trick or Treat match. The object of the match was to take the pumpkin from up the run way and touch all 4 corners of the ring in secesion...

October, 1998....DWF is WAR... ZX member Zach Gardner won the vacant Lightweight title (the title was forfitted by Roadogg Jono Kennedy who was the IC champ now) in another great match with KK member David Amerine... KK member Torie Biddle was crowned the first ever European Champion when he beat David Walton...

November, 1998...Survivor Series ppv...Zach Gardner won a tournement to become the new number one contender to the DWF World title beating Torie Biddle in the finals...David Amerine won the World title when he beat Zeb Gardner. ZX turned on Zeb before the match causing him to lose the belt.... (note: the Krazy Klowns went their seperate ways at about this point)

November, 1998....DWF is WAR....Zeb Gardner lets the world know that he is infact the Owner of the DWF and calls the shots around the DWF. He states that at Christmas Carnage, the next DWF ppv, that Zach Gardner infact is the number contender to the World Title and he cant do anything about that but he can make it impossible for him to win the title. So he says that Zach would defend his lightweigt title against fellow Zx member Z-Pac (formerly known as Z-Pac) at the ppv before his title match and if Walton lost that his carrer in the DWF would be over. He then said that ZX would defend the tag team titles before Zach's title match as well. He also states that he has a specail Christmas present for Zach during his title match at Christmas Carnage....

December, 1998...Christmas Carnage ppv...Zach Gardner let Z-Pac pin him to award Z-Pac the lightweight title...Zx, Zach Gardner and Jono Kennedy defended the tag titles successfully against Amos Hubbard and James Griffith... Roadogg Jono Kennedy and Torie Biddle had a IC title for European title match that ended with Biddle getting DQed in..The DWF Myserty Man who had been running around the DWF for the last couple of months won the number one contendership when he beat Matt Fishley when the Owner Zeb Gardner made the ref ring the bell screwing Fishley. The Mystery Man was revealed to be Corey Perkowski. Perkowski joined the Corporation and was the new number one contender to the World Title...In the main event The Owner Zeb Gardner revealed that Zach Cummings (who we last saw in a fued with ZX) was the new corporate refere for the match. ZX leader Zach Gardner then went at it with David Amerine for the World Title. The match ended when Cummings pulled off his ref shirt revealing a ZX shirt and drilled Amerine with a chair. Cummings was back in ZX! The Owner declared the match a no contest....

January, 1999....DWF is WAR...A Zach Gardner-Owner Zeb Gardner match was set up for the Royal Rumble ppv...Candiates for the 99 Royal Rumble also surfaced as the winner would get a World Title shot at the Super Bowl of DWF, Super Stars IV in March...

January, 1999....Royal Rumble ppv...Ryan Fishley won the IC title when he beat The Roadogg Jono Kenndedy in cheap fashion with outside interference...ZX leader Zach Gardner beat his brother the Owner Zeb Gardner with a ZX plex in a classic match...In the Royal Rumble match the Owner Zeb Gardner and the Roadogg Jono Kennedy were declared dual winners when they threw each other out at the same time (a scenario would be set up that Roadogg would recieve a shot at the title at the February ppv, while the Owner would go to Super Stars in March as the number one contender....World Champion David Amerine beat Corporation member Corey Perkowski with a Thug Bomb....

February, 1999.....Valitine's Violence ppv...LBJ beat Z-Pac for the lightweight title...The Owner Zeb Gardner beat ZX leader Zach Gardner in a match for the tag team titles. Before the match began the brawled to the outside of the Zach Arena...The Roadogg Jono Kennedy defeated David Amerine to become the new DWF World Champion in a great match, setting up a Roadogg-Owner showdown at Super Stars IV....

March, 1999....DWF is WAR....Zach Gardner became the first ever Hardcore Champion...Adam Pearson won the European title from Torie Biddle...Super Stars matches were set up. It would be Roadogg Jono Kennedy defending his World Title against the Owner Zeb Gardner in a 20 minute Iron Man Match. ZX members Zach Cummings and Zach Gardner were ready to retire and wanted to leave on a great note so they set up an I Quit Match that would be their last ever.

March, 1999....Super Stars IV (the Super Bowl of DWF)...Corey Perkowski won the IC title in a triple threat match with Torie Biddle and Ryan Fishley...David Amerine joined ZX when Z-Pac helped him beat James Griffith...ZX founders Zach Gardner and Zach Cummings retired the DWF the right way when they simotanously said I Quit in what was to be there last match ever. This was a classic match. Gardner passes the torch of ZX to the Roadogg and gave the Hardcore title back to the DWF....In the main event The Owner Zeb Gardner won the World Title from ZX member Roadogg Jono Kennedy in a 20 minute Iron Man match. The Match went into overtime and the Owner picked up the win in overtime. After this classic battle Zach Gardner made his way to the ring and told the new World Champ the Owner Zeb Gardner to give him one last match for the belt. The Owner agreed and the brothers battled for the belt. Zach won the match with a Zachknife to become the new World Champion! Zach then gave the title back to the DWF. Super Stars is always truely specail!

April, 1999....Battle for the Belts 99....With all the vacant titles in the DWF they had three tournements in 1 night to crown new a new DWF Lightweight champion, a new Hardcore champion, and a new World Champion...Z-Pac of ZX won the lightweight title tournement...New ZX leader Roadogg Jono Kennedy won the Hardcore title tournement when Zach Gardner came to the ring and delivered a Zachknife to James Griffith giving Roadogg the win. Gardner said that he was just retiring from the ring not DWF and that he would be the ZX manager....In the finals of the World Title tournement it was Torie Biddle vs. the newest ZX member Bad Ass David Amerine. Biddle won the match and the World belt with help from the Owner Zeb Gardner......

April, 1999....DWF is WAR....The Owner Zeb Gardner would not be present at this DWF is WAR so he phoned in and said that he guaranteed that ZX member BA David Amerine would not beat Torie Biddle in his championship rematch tonight on DWF is WAR....Adam Pearson and ZX manager Zach Gardner had an altercation that led to the two having to be seperated...In the World Title match Torie Biddle defended his title against ZX member BA David Amerine. Biddle retained his title when ZX manager Zach Gardner turned not only on Amerine but the whole ZX army! Gardner took the mic and said that he was officaly active in the DWF again and that he was the Owner's guarantee that BA DA wouldnt win the World title. What a shock this was!!

May, 1999....DWF is WAR...The Owner Zeb Gardner and Zach Gardner said that the Corporation thing was getting old and that they wanted to be known as the Icons from now on. Zach said that he wanted to be known as the Icon Zach Gardner from now on. They told Z-Pac that at the Revenge ppv that they would give him a well deserved shot at the DWF World title against Torie Biddle. The Icon Zach Gardner also stated that he would make his return to DWF competion when he battles Stone Cold Adam Pearson at Revenge. ZX came out and they set a match for Revenge where Roadogg Jono Kennedy would fight The Owner Zeb Gardner and if Roadogg won he would get a carrer ending match with the Icon whenever he wanted ....

May, 1999....Revenge 99 ppv... The 4 year old Zaneburg's undefeated streak came to an end when the Icons had every heel in the DWF hold him down to be pinned when he fought Ashley Smith...James Griffith won the IC title....Stone Cold Adam Pearson and The Icon Zach Gardner's match ended in a double countout when both faught to the outside. Pearson ended up stunning the Icon into a pool!!....Roadogg Jono Kennedy beat the Owner to get a carrer ending match with the Icon whenever he wanted after he ZX plexed him through a box...In the main event match Z-Pac was scheduled to get the oppertunity he wanted his whole life when he would fight Torie Biddle for the World title. But the Icons came out and said that they gave Biddle the night off. Z-Pac was crushed but challenged The Icons to take him and Roadogg on in a tag team match. The Icons said the only way that they would fight ZX is if Roadogg put his Hardcore title on the line and Z-Pac put his Lightweight title on the line. ZX agreed and we had an Icon-ZX tag team match. The Icon Zach Gardner ended up winning the Hardcore title when he pinned the Roadogg cheaply....

June, 1999.....DWF is WAR.....Zach Cummings made his return to the DWF and sided with ZX. Roadogg stated that his carrer ending match with the Icon would be at Summer Sizzler in August becacuse he wanted to kick the Icon's ass all summer...The Icon Zach Gardner set up a pool match for the next ppv, with himself and Stone Cold Adam Pearson, where the winner would be the one to throw their opponent into the pool. A BA David Amerine-Torie Biddle re re-match would take place at June Slam Jam. As would a Owner defending his tag team titles against ZX (BA DA and Roadogg Jono Kennedy) at the ppv.... Z-Pac lost his lightweight title to Tiny T the Icon, a member of the Icons who was the Icon Zach Gardner's little goon.As a result of this Z-Pac was kicked out of ZX!!!....

June, 1999......June Slam Jam ppv....Zeke Venis beat Tiny T. the Icon to win the lightweight title...James Griffith defeated Z-Pac or known now as the Real Deal David Walton in an IC title defense...ZX won the tag team titles when Bad Ass David Amerine and Roadogg Jono Kennedy beat the Owner Zeb Gardner, who brought 6 goons with him to the ring...Stone Cold Adam Pearson won the hardcore title when he beat The Icon Zach Gardner in a pool match. The Roadogg Jono Kennedy helped Pearson win. After the match The Owner told the Icon that he had a master plan ...BA David Amerine of ZX won the DWF World Title when he beat Torie Biddle in a great match up. After the match the Icon Zach Gardner attacked Amerine.

June, 1999......DWF is WAR..... ZX leader the Roadogg Jono Kennedy won the IC title when he beat James Griffith.After the match Griffith went crazy on Torie Biddle with a socket wrench in the locker room...The Icon Zach Gardner won the DWF World championship for a ninth time when he beat BA David Amerine of ZX in a very unfair match. The Icon's fellow Icon memmber the Owner Zeb Gardner was the specail guest ref...

July, 1999.....Pooly Loaded ppv....During the free for all a Masked Man attacked the DWF World Champion the Icon Zach Gardner with a baseball bat...Real Deal David Walton defeated Roadogg Jono Kennedy, The Owner Zeb Gardner, and Dangerous Don in a fatal four way match to win the IC title when he pinned Dangerous Don....Torie Biddle defeated James Griffith in a socket wrench match...Stone Cold Adam Pearson and BA David Amerine battled to a no contest in a Hardcore title match...Icon member The Icon Zach Gardner successfully defended his World title with a win over ZX member and former best friend Zach Cummings. Cummings had the match won but the Roadogg Jono Kennedy ,who was upset with Cummings for getting the title match and not himself, came out and argued with Cummings. The Icon rolled Cummings up from behind for the win. Cummings pedigreed Roadogg after the match..

August, 1999....DWF is WAR....The Roadogg came out and officially ended ZX saying he wanted to be known as MR. ZX from now on...The World Champ the Icon Zach Gardner said that he would find out who the Masked Man who attacked him at Polly Loaded was. He also set up a four way elmination match for the World Title that night on DWF is WAR with Zach Cummings, Roadogg Jono Kennedy and The Owner Zeb Gardner. During the interview the Masked Man attacked him again...the 4 year old wrecking crew Zane Gardnerdeclared that he was the real Stone Cold when he interuptted a Stone Cold Adam Pearson- BA David Amerine Hardcore title match having another match between the 2 end in a no decison....In the main event the Masked Man was discovered to be the Icon Zach Gardner's fellow Icon member The Owner Zeb Gardner!! The Roadogg eliminated the Icon first so we would crown a new DWF World champion. The Roadogg was elminated next. Then the Icon came back into the match and Zachknifed the Owner. Zach Cummings got the win and the World Title becacuse of this!!....

August,1999........ DWF is WAR....Mr. ZX Roadogg Jono Kennedy and The Owner announced the formation of the new Corpoaration. They set up a Zach Cummings-Owner Zeb Gardner World Title match for the next ppv Summer Sizzler and hyped the Icon Zach Gardner-Roadogg Jono Kennedy carrer ending match. They also said that at Summer Sizzler a third member of the Corporation would join and it would shock the world!!...The Ass Connection was formed when Torie Biddle and BA David Amerine joined forces...

August, 1999....Summer Sizzler ppv.... Ryan Fishley's head went through a light bulb and got his current name Buzz...Dangerous Don defeated Ashley Smith for the European title....Adam Pearson shocked the world when he joined the Corporation before losing the Hardcore title to BA David Amerine, when Amerine's Ass Connection member Hard Ass Torie Biddle helped him get the win....Real Deal David Walton successfully defended the IC title with a victory over James Griffith....World Champion Zach Cummings got a clean victory over The Owner Zeb Gardner....In the carrer ending match The Roadogg Jono Kennedy ended the Icon Zach Gardner's carrer when The Owner Zeb Gardner hit him with a chair while the ref was knocked out....

September, 1999.....DWF is WAR....In a strange event Ass Connection member and former ZX member BA David Amerine and Corporation member and former ZX leader Roadogg Jono Kennedy won the tag titles in a battle royal to determine new tag team champions.... The Icon Zach Gardner came back to the DWF, saying that the fine print of the contract read that if there was any outside interference than the terms on the match would be null and void, which meant the Owner's interference at Summer Sizzler would be the return of the Icon to the DWF. They set up a handicap match at the next ppv where the Icon had to win to get back into the DWF....A Zach Cummings-Adam Pearson World Title match was announced for the next ppv...

September, 1999...No Mercy ppv...BA David Amerine won the tag titles for the Ass Connection when he beat former ZX teammate and current Corporation member Mr. ZX the Icon (he called himself the Icon now after beating the Icon at Summer Sizzler) Roadogg Jono Kennedy (yes he had that many nicknames) in a strap match...Adam Pearson attacked Zach Cummings with a chair in the locker room causing there World Title match to be cancelled....The Icon Zach Gardner defeated the Corporation in a handicap match to secure his spot back in the DWF....

October, 1999.....DWF is WAR.... The Corporation announced that Mr. ZX the Icon Roadogg Jono Kennedy would face Zach Cummings for the DWF World Title at the All Hallow's Eve ppv. Adam Pearson didnt like this and walked out of the Corporation...An Icon Zach Gardner-Owner Zeb Gardner trick or treat match was set up....

October 1999...All Hallow's Eve ppv...Stone Cold Zane Gardner defeated Zeke Venis for the lightweight title...BA David Amerine won the IC title and retained the Hardcore title in a title for title match with The Real Deal....HA Torie Biddle of the Ass Connection beat Adam Pearson is a Dover Death Match when the Roadogg interfered causing Pearson to lose...The Owner Zeb Gardner beat The Icon Zach Gardner in a trick or treat match when the Real Deal David Walton interfered causing the Icon to lose the match....The Roadogg Jono Kennedy won the DWF World Title when he defeated Zach Cummings. Cummings hurt his leg during the match and eventually passed out from the pain causing the ref to call for the bell............

November 1999........DWF is WAR.....Adam Pearson came out and said he wanted his title shot tonight. Zach Cumming then came out and said that he never lost his World title match with the Roadogg at All Hallow's Eve. The Owner Zeb Gardner set up a match where they would fight each other and the winner would face the World Champion The Icon Roadogg Jono Kennedy on this very show. During the course of the match Roadogg interfered causing no decesion to be rendered. The Owner then said that all three would fight in a triple threat match tonight for the World Title and he would be the specail guest ref... The Game Justin Gentry won the IC title and The Allied Powers won the Tag Team Titles. Both titles were vacated because the Ass Connection (Hard Ass Torie Biddle and Bad Ass David Amerine) was released from the DWF......The Icon Zach Gardner beat the Real Deal after Zeke Venis came to the ring and helped the Icon (because Real Deal attacked Zeke Venis earlier in the night in the locker room). After the match a present was brought to the ring, And from it emerged Old School DWF Wrestler Eric Rinehart (Rino). Rino attacked the Icon....Adam Pearson won his first ever DWF World Title when the Owner made a very reluctant three count after Pearson drilled Cummings with a chair.....

December, 1999....DWF is WAR... An Icon Zach Gardner-Rino match was set for the next ppv....Pearson said he wanted to beat the Icon Roadogg Jono Kennedy so he would at Christmas Carnage...

December, 1999....Christmas Carnage ppv....Zach Cummings won the IC title when he beat the Game Justin Gentry in a pins count anywhere match. Cummings through Gentry into the trunk of his car during the match drove away and returned later in the show to finish the match....The Owner Zeb Gardner scheduled himself to wreslter a nameless jobber for the number one contendership to the World title. Of course he won....Rino got a rare clean victory over the Icon Zach Gardner with a diamond cutter. The Icon congradulated Rino after the match showing good sportsmanship...Adam Pearson successfully defended his World title when he beat the Roadogg Jono Kennedy. The Icon Zach Gardner came out distracting the Roadogg (if you remember the Roadogg had been calling himself the real Icon) and helping Pearson retain the title....

January, 2000.......... DWF is WAR.....An Ownership right of the Icon gimmick match was set up between the Icon Zach Gardner and the Icon Roadogg Jono Kennedy...They hyped the Royal Rumble and the Adam Pearson-Owner Zeb Gardner World title match at the ppv....

January, 2000......Royal Rumble ppv....Mr. Showtime Scott Shriner defeated Zach Cummings with outside help to win the IC title....The Icon Zach Gardner defeated The Icon Roadogg Jono Kennedy in a match for who is to be known as the Icon. Great match.....In the most shocking match ever Adam Pearson layed down and let the Owner pin him to capture the World title. It was then revealved that the Corporation was back together and that they had this planned since after the Owner was defeated by Zach Cummings at Summer Sizzler. What a shock!....Rino won the Royal Rumble last elminating the Icon Zach Gardner to earn his long awaited World Title shot at the Super Bowl of DWF Super Stars 2000....

February, 2000....Valintine's Violence ppv....Rino was chokeslammed through a chair by the 6'4 monster Nick Kendle during their match. The Owner hired Kendle to dismantle Rino before their Super Stars 2000 showdown....In a triple threat match to determine the specail guest refere in the main event at Super Stars 2000, Corporation members both Adam Pearson and Roadogg Jono Kennedy pinned the Icon Zach Gardner at the same time to become the specail guest refs when the Owner Zeb Gardner faced Rino at the Super Bowl of DWF....The Owner Zeb Gardner defended his title successfully against The Real Deal....

This brings you to about now in the DWF...Check the Super Stars 2000 results and DWF is WAR results to find out what happened next...