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Upcoming Shows 

Friday June 30th, 8pm
@ Newport Music Hall
[High St. - Columbus, OH]

Saturday July 1st, 8pm
@ Peabodies
[1059 Old River Rd - Cleveland]
w/?? - 18 & up - $6

[Check the show dates page
for complete dates]

     Dispute is looking for a new
     drummer. Email or call the
     band for more info.

     As you may know the newest
     Dispute CD is for sale at all
     shows. We will begin selling
     alot of CD's & merchandise
     soon at Dispute Direct.

     Dispute will be playing alot of
     shows in the upcoming
     months, in support of the
     album. Check the show dates
     for any postings.

     Dispute just uploaded to today. Make
     sure to stop by and vote!



         I wil be adding five mp3's
     from the new album, "Survival
     of the Sickest," very soon.
     Keep checking the multimedia
     page for updates.
 · Home- Main Page
 · Bio- Find out
   about the band.
 · Shows- See where
   they're playing next.
 · Pictures- Check out
   some photos.
 · Multimedia- Listen
   to sound clips.
 · Mailings- Snail mail
   or email, your choice.
 · Shop- Buy Dispute
   merchandise here.
 · Search- Search the
 · Contact- Drop us
   a line or two.

The Place for Indepdendent Music!

All images and audio clips property of Dispute. Copyright © 2000. Web Design by Remy.