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Here's a taste of my sensitive side!!!

So many times I've sat around
Waiting for your call
Waiting for your familiar arms
To catch me when I fall.

Waiting to hear your soft, sweet words
Ringing in my ears
To hear the empty promises
Of the many passing years.

Waiting for my hazy skies
To once again turn clear
Waiting for the time
When, again, I have you near.

I'm waiting for a love
That I know will never be
Until you finally realize
It could work for you and me.

But maybe I'm the one
Who should realize the fact
That we will never be together-
Our love was all an act.

But I refuse to give up hope
For fear this chance will pass me by
And for eternity I'll wait for you
So please don't say good-bye.

I know that things could work between us
If only we both try
So please just give us one more chance
So I no longer have to cry.


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