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Custom Ecos Custom Vivarium Manufacturing Service

This unique exhibit was recently custom designed and manufactured for a customer in California.

For more information on how you can own one of my unique exhibits, please contact me directly.

Alex J. Welky, Exhibit fabricator

Custom Ecos Terrariums; Sheffield, Ohio



Project Details-

Size: 30"x30"x48" H  Custom Corner View Exhibit Vivarium.
Features: 250 Watt Metal-Halide lighting with timer. High pressure/low volume misting system with timer and reservoir. Custom Fabricated fiberglass / epoxy resin interior with "shale" rock appearance and airbrushed detailing. 2 waterfalls draining into a front basin and two small planting areas. Canister filter pump included .Custom tempered sliding glass doors on the two visible faces. visible faces laminated in Formica of customers choice.
Price: est. $3,500 less shipping , crating, handling.
close-up of interior after detailing

the finished product after detailing

doors not yet added

the vivarium before detailing

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