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Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

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For Potential Members

About Phi Theta Kappa

About Alpha Rho Epsilon

What are the Hallmarks?

Who do I contact to Join?

For Current Members

Five Star Criteria


Chapter Newsletter

Honors Study Topic

International Service Project

For Alumni

Alumni Page

Alpha of Ohio Alumni

Other Sites

Phi Theta Kappa International

Ohio Region Phi Theta Kappa

Columbus State Community College

Adapted from the Chapter Officer Manual and Almanac 2000-2001.


     Phi Theta Kappa was established by the presidents of the Missouri junior colleges for women in 1918.  The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among associate degree students.  To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.

     In 1987, the first chapter in Europe was chartered in Munich, Germany, at the University of Maryland Munich campus.  The first Canadian chapter was chartered in 1991, resulting in Phi Theta Kappa becoming the International Honor Society of the two-year college.  The Society's first Asian chapter was chartered at the Minnesota State University campus in Akita, Japan in 1998.   The Society's 1,000th chapter was chartered in 1992, and the Society's one-millionth member was inducted in 1993.

     During the 1990s the Society made a serious commitment to increasing the member-designated senior institution scholarships by developing new senior institution partners.  By mid-1999, more than 430 senior institutions offered transfer scholarships in excess of $29 million annually, designated exclusively for Phi Theta Kappa Members.

     There are currently 29 regions of Phi Theta Kappa with over 1,200 chapters serving over 1.2 million members.

     Members of Phi Theta Kappa have the opportunity to attend a variety of events throughout the year.  The International Convention is held each year in the Spring.  Members have the opportunity to hear nationally renowned speakers, elect international officer, participate in workshops, and network with other members from across the United States and the World.   The International Honors Institute is a week-long intensive examination of the Honors Study Topic, through addresses by distinguished scholars in the appropriate fields, discussions in seminar groups, and tours and visits to cultural and historic attractions.  The Ohio Region Leadership Conference presents workshops that develop leadership skills and promote chapter, campus, and community involvement.  The Ohio Region Honors Institute offers speakers, workshops, and discussions revolving around that year's Honors Study Topic.   The Ohio Region Convention is where regional Hallmark awards are presented,  regional officers are elected, and workshops are presented.