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Alpha Rho Epsilon
Columbus State Community College
Columbus, Ohio

Fellowship Hallmark Essay 2000-2001

As an extension of the International Officers' Journey Challenge, one of Alpha Rho Epsilon's goals for the 2000-2001 year was to involve one more member than was involved in 1999-2000. The officers wanted to spend more time with the members, listen to them, and create the chapter program around their suggestions. To the chapter officers, this goal meant developing more opportunities for chapter members to engage in fellowship, finding ways to take existing programs and add the element of fellowship, and finding activities that promoted fellowship to groups outside of the chapter. Alpha Rho Epsilon makes fellowship a component of virtually every activity offered by stressing the bonds that all people share through programs offered by the chapter, and through partnerships with Columbus State Community College, various community organizations, other Ohio Region chapters, and other chapters worldwide.

Alpha Rho Epsilon promoted fellowship within the chapter by reaching out to its members through monthly General Meetings, Officer Meetings, and via 11 possible committees. These groups allowed members to learn about each other and pool ideas and experiences for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of the chapter while networking with those who had similar interests. The chapter also coordinated casual activities, such as watching movies on the weekends so that members could take a break from academic challenges and relax with other chapter members, friends, and family. The chapter selected movies with a wide audience range so that members with families did not need to leave their children at home, but instead brought their families and friends to enjoy food, fun, and fellowship.

Alpha Rho Epsilon worked closely with Columbus State Community College to recruit members for several college committees. Networking in this way strengthened the bond between the chapter and the campus community and allowed members to learn from those people who were instrumental in coordinating the functioning of the college. Phi Theta Kappa was represented on three campus committees with members serving on College Council, Sexual Harassment Board, and Student Conduct Hearing Committee. Alpha Rho Epsilon took the hallmarks beyond the boardroom and onto the campus grounds, setting up an informational booth at major campus and society functions such as Welcome Back, Spring Fling, and Phi Theta Kappa Founders Day. These opportunities allowed chapter members to share fellowship with potential members and earned the chapter a high number of chapter provisional members. Provisional Membership has provided the chapter a way to ease the transition into Phi Theta Kappa while allowing those members the chance to develop friendships and experience in the chapter. The chapter also provided peer tutors to the college allowing members to share their knowledge with other students and build a friendship with a classmate.

Alpha Rho Epsilon's involvement did not stop at the campus boundaries. Through partnerships with community organizations, the chapter directly promoted fellowship by providing member support and indirectly promoted fellowship by providing resources so that others could experience the bonds of brotherhood. Directly, the chapter recruited members who tutored and mentored area children, thus providing them with a positive role model. Alpha Rho Epsilon's partnership with the Ohio Hunger Task force allowed the chapter to create a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment for children along with a friend to look to for advice. The chapter's work with East

Franklin Elementary School and COSI (Center of Science and Industry) brought college students and children together to have fun and learn at the same time. Indirectly, the chapter collected pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities that allowed parents to stay close by their ill children while receiving treatment at Children's Hospital. While some might see collecting books for inmates to read on tape to their children as solely a service project, Alpha Rho Epsilon saw it as a way to foster the parental bond that is so crucial for the emotional development of any child.

Alpha Rho Epsilon knew that if it were to improve as a chapter, it had to network with other successful chapters on the regional level. The chapter sent representatives to each of the three regional conferences and attempted to send at least one representative to district events. Meeting other Phi Theta Kappans in the same region helped provide a support system, a safety net, for the chapter as it strove to reach ever-higher goals. Alpha Rho Epsilon returned the favor by sponsoring Regional activities. Four chapters attended the Ohio Theatre showing of "Show Boat" and two chapters were represented at a recent induction ceremony. Alpha Rho Epsilon felt that recognizing the accomplishments of Ohio Region Phi Theta Kappans was crucial for the development of the region. For this reason, the chapter provided volunteers to assist at the All-Ohio Academic Team Luncheon where members had the opportunity to discuss common goals and success strategies with those selected to this All-State Team.

Alpha Rho Epsilon is a growing chapter. The globe is indeed shrinking when the chapter finds itself developing international fellowship. To find the resources it needs, it could not restrict itself in its effort to reach out to others. The chapter sent representatives to the International Convention and the International Honors Institute where members danced, hugged, and made lasting friendships. The chapter goal to reach more people prompted the Alpha Rho Epsilon chapter to expand its web site. Now, members can view information, download chapter applications and forms, and sign up for events directly on the internet allowing members who otherwise could not contact an officer or advisor the opportunity to be a part of events at their own convenience. Another aspect of the web site allowed any interested party the option to sign up to receive e-mail updates about the chapter. The chapter had just under 100 people receiving these weekly e-mails including

Phi Theta Kappa members in other states. As a part of the Unofficial Phi

Theta Kappa Web Ring and the Honors Study Topic Forum, Alpha Rho Epsilon was connected to other chapters around the world at the click of a mouse.

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. once said, "We cannot live for ourselves alone." Without the fellowship of others, people would feel no purpose: no one to impact no one who relies on them, no one who they rely on. The goal to involve "just one more member" is driving this chapter forward into the next year in hopes that in 2001-2002, the goal will be "just two more members." The Alpha Rho Epsilon chapter hopes that through its activities in fellowship, members continue through their lives with a feeling of belonging knowing that they will always have a friend, a supporter, and a place in Phi Theta Kappa.