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Jaque's Home Page

Well you have finally made it to my "Home Page." There is this phrase that says that home is where your heart is and since this is my "HOME" page I figured I would share with you where my heart is. It would probably be smart to place a piece of my heart here too! So now the question is....where is my heart so I can in someway place it here? Well my heart and soul belongs to Jesus Christ. He is my best friend and where ever I go He's always there. So I will always have the ability to make my home anywhere.

I created this web site for a few reasons. One is to allow you to find out more about the person God has molded me into. The other is so that you all could get to know Him. There is something that is so amaizing about Him and it has and continues to be the neatest experience I have ever had. It is a daily growing experience and I can't always say it's the easiest. I hope you would take the opportunity during this short lifetime you have been granted to get to know him. It could be the most important decision you ever make. Don't miss out on these great reasons to have Christ in your life:

If you don't know Him yet, you have the chance to today. Don't miss that miracle and the things that come with it. The Bible tells us to deny ourselves and follow Him, to seek after Him. How can you know Him if you don't try. On this world those who know Him will know Earth as the only hell they will ever see, those who do not will see this as the only heaven they will ever see. The Bible says in Matthew 7:7 Ask, seek and knock! Take the oppotunity today. Life is too short not to!---->Meet Him

Now we come to the basics of the site:

Some Important Pages and what they are

A page about Jesus(My Best Friend!)
The link on the Jesus page
A devotion index inspired by God in my life!!(of course it is more of a illustration index than a devotion one)
Some good links to check out
Click here to read the recent goings on in my life

The next few pages are my on-line photo album. Enjoy!

Photo Album page 1: Me
Photo Album page 2: School Shots
Photo Album page 3: Family Stuff
Photo Album page 4:The "Hairy Kids"
Photo Album page 5: Friends
Photo Album page 6: Just Silliness!!!

My Guest Book

I hope you have enjoyed this site. Please feel free to e-mail me or sign the guestbook. Especially if you have made a decision or have anything that I can maybe help you with. Even if you think it is a stupid question or comment I still would like to hear it. Oh and another thing. Feel free to send me any prayer requests you may have! May God bless you all and keep you all safe!

You are thevisitor since January 10, 2000


Don't forget to stop by again. Changes are always constant and occuring!