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Most of us are romantics at heart, some of us just need a little help... That's what this webpage is for... This webpage will be growing as we collect your thoughts and add them to our site... So check back often… and email me your ideas, articles, poems...

What I believe to be true Romance...

I honestly believe that romance is an art form. It is an art form that requires two artists to work properly, both working together on their "Masterpiece". I believe that the two "artists" should make love in everything they say and everything they do. For example: When the two of you meet after a day of work, cooking dinner together while talking about your days is a nice start. When dinner is done, I like to walk up behind her as she starts the dishes, wrap my arms around her and tell her how special she is to me. Then I take the dishtowel, dry the dishes and put them away. If you both work together the chores get done faster, giving you more time to spend with each other. You should both be working together on all things, it will strengthen your bond and your love. This is just one way of making love in everything you do.

Another part of romance is spontaneity, Picking up a flower or a card, some little gift to let her know you were thinking about her for no other reason then the fact that you love her. We often forget that it's the little things that mean the most. Being spontaneous doesn't stop there, it should be in all parts of your romance.

Now, for a very important part of romance...

Good communication is a key to a great romance. Men, I can't stress this enough, Listen to her! Don't always try to fix her problems for her, listen to what she says and comfort her. Most of the time, all she needs is someone to talk to and share her feelings. Learn to just hold her and listen to her and you will be surprised how much closer that brings you together. You will really make her feel loved if she knows she can talk to you about anything. If you let her open up to you, she will share her soul with you... and that's the greatest feeling in the world when you can connect on that level... you will have true love...

A soft touch...

Most men do not realize the importance of a great kiss, or a soft touch... Both of these are very important in romance. When you touch a woman do it very softly, your fingers should just barely touch her skin. A soft caress as you brush the hair back from her face, as you move closer to kiss her. Holding her face lightly in your fingers as you kiss her, letting them slide through her hair as you deepen the kiss...
If you really listen to a woman, the sounds she makes, the way she breathes as you touch her, you will learn more about her body then you ever thought possible. Listen to every sound she makes and use them as your guide to pleasing her. A soft touch is important on all areas of her body. On most women it is much more stimulating, but once again you must listen to her, how she responds... and let that guide you on how to touch her.

The Art of Softkisses...

A soft touch, looking into her eyes... is very important to a great kiss. A great kiss should never be rushed, it should be slow, soft and sensual. A great kiss has its own form of foreplay. It should be started by looking into her eyes, brushing the hair back from her face, holding her face softly in your hands and keeping eye contact till your lips are about to meet. You will feel a connection with her through your eyes. Let her feel the love in your eyes. Start the kiss slowly, brushing your lips softly across hers. It should be done slowly and very softly. Your fingers gently caressing her skin... sliding along her cheeks... sliding softly into her hair... as you deepen the kiss. Great kissing is very important in romance... it is the spark that keeps passion alive in a relationship.

Some Reasons Why Relationships Fail...

Next thing is, be yourself. Its a hard thing to do at the beginning, we all try to act like we think the other person wants us to, we put on a show doing things we wouldn't normally do. We all act like salespeople, selling ourselves, we dress extra nice, we buy flowers and things so we can "make the sale." Men open doors, hold hands, act like perfect gentleman. Then once we feel comfortable we slowly slide into our old habits being ourselves. This is a natural thing, we all do it. Problem is, after showing how great we are in the beginning, when we slide into our old habits our partner wonders what's wrong, why did they change. Here is a prime example... When the relationship is new, we talk about everything getting to know each other spending a lot of time communicating our feelings, our thoughts, our dreams. The woman thinks "Boy this is great, I have a man that likes to communicate. He loves to talk to me and share things, he is so romantic and such a gentleman" and she is happy, tells her friends "This guy is different then the last one, he opens up and shares with me, he is so romantic and such a gentleman."  Well after a while we get comfortable, content, The sale has been made and we are in a relationship. So we stop selling ourselves as much. The man slowly stops talking as much, he stops being as romantic, he is happy, thinks that this is great. At the same time, the woman is wondering what happened, why doesn't he talk to me as much anymore? Why isn't he as romantic as he was? So she is starting to hurt wondering what's wrong, she tries to talk to him about it, but he doesn't realize that there was a change. He starts feeling uncomfortable, after all he is the same person he always was, right? Well, he is not the person she met and fell for... he is different now in her eyes but he doesn't see it. He thinks, "Why did she change? Why is she always nagging me about talking to her?" This puts a great deal of stress on the relationship and is the point where many relationships fall apart. That is why its important to be yourself at the beginning, if you are really right for each other things will workout even better then if you act extra special for them at first.

Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast, it is not proud, It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, It keeps no record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres
1 Corinthians 13

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