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Rants and Raves

Ok so here I go...these are just my rants and raves of the day/week/whatever I want. I usually write with more of a poetic tone to my work, but sometimes you just have to let loose and say whatever it is on your mind and not worry about what everyone else is going to think. Ultimately, I don't care what people think about me. I am my own person and I will do whatever I want to do, but that is only ultimately. So far as the present time goes, some things can just get under my skin. So here goes my rants...

First of all, I have to say that I don't hate men, and I am not bitter, but I must say that almost all guys are alike. Yeah, sure, we are all human, but seriously, everyone controls their own actions. NO matter what the circumstances are, you are ultimately responsible for your own actions. For a warning, if any girls happen to read this page who just think that they have met the guy of their dreams, and that he is different than any other guys they have met and probably been messed over by, I just wanted to drop a lil note to say that that guy is probably just like the rest. Here are a few personal signs that I have recognized throughout my journey to true love and happiness with the male race.

1. If they say "I am not like other guys" RUN>>>RUN as fast as you can...that is the number one sign that they are just trying to denounce their primal instincts. (I have now been proved right on this one twice.)

2. If they say "I treat women right." Consider this...if they ACTUALLY treated women right, wouldn't they have a woman with them at that moment? I dont' know about you girls, but if a guy is treating me right, then I am not going to let them out of my reach!!!!

3. And the final sign that they are probably not Mr. Perfection...Listen to their stories of past is very important to consider why they don't have a girl right now. Aimless conversation will lead you right to information that would take years of nagging to pull out of them.

4. Never mistake confidence for arrogance. There are so many guys that are so full of themselves, that they cannot let anyone else in their hearts/heads. Anyway...that is just my rant on guys. Males make the best friends for the short run...but in the long run...there is a good possiblity that that friendship may turn to more and sometimes...that is not the best idea for either of you.

Second rant of the moment (drum roll please)..... The internet is evil!!! I have known so many people to have information fall in their laps by aimless conversations on the internet. First of all, it is so much easier to bang your feelings away into a keyboard to someone than to actually have the guts to say it to someone's face. Also, another reason the internet is that even when you are talking to friends, you never know what kind of tone they are "speaking" with. You could be completely docile, and have a phrase taken out of context and cause the biggest fights you have ever known.

Anyway...I am just wanting to express some feelings in a less poetic way. If you even attempted to read this far, you have my appreciation. I am a very blunt person and don't care what people think of my standings on any issues. This is my web page and basically I can say anything I want to on it...and if you plan to email me about anything...just know that it might be posted on this web page...I have finally found a few moments where I can work on it and frankly, I don't like hate emails. If you don't agree with what I say, click off the is not that one is forcing you to read this. :) As I said, I am blunt...if you ever got to know me...that would be one of the most important qualities you would ever recognize in me. Don't hold back your feelings in reality. On here, if you don't like can click off the screen, but in reality, everything is going to be the same after you open your eyes...take a look around...if things aren't how you want your mouth...get off your chair and do something about it. :)

Behind the Eyes
Write Like No One's Reading