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Rock For Life of Columbus & Central Ohio

We are a loud and determined voice for TRUTH AND LIFE in this culture of death. We stand on the Truth of Jesus Christ whom all of our strength comes from. We stand for the protection of all human life from fertilization until natural death, with no exceptions, no compromise, and no apologies. We are fed up with the lies that MTV, Planned Parenthood and our government are pushing down our throats. We will no longer sit silently by as our generation is being systematically slaughtered through surgical and chemical abortion. This is OUR generation, these are OUR brothers and sisters and we commit to fighting for their lives. You will not silence our message, you will not mock our God, and you will stop killing our generation.


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View MORE on the RFL-CCO site here

What do Your Favorite Bands Support???

To get on our mailing list or to get additional information, email Mauler at

Our Statement of Purpose

RFL is committed to offering the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia to America's youth through music and ministry.

Young people are being deceived and manipulated by the music industry! Many of today's popular artists speak out for "abortion rights" and raise money for pro-abortion causes. They are feeding our youth with the lie that abortion is not only an answer to their problems, but a right they must fight to protect.

To counter this assault on young people, Rock For Life works to bring together bands who stand for the truth - that life is sacred from fertilization until natural death - with no exception, no compromise, and no apologies. Rock for Life is dedicated to this fight until abortion is abolished and a respect for the gift of life is restored.

Rock for Life exists to offer pro-life youth a voice, encouraging them to stand up among their peers and fight against the destruction of their generation.

Reaching youth through:


  • hosting Rock for Life concerts
  • presenting educational booths at concerts and festivals
  • producing pro-life compilation CD's
  • aiding over 100 Christian and secular bands in presenting the pro-life message


  • providing literature to students and youth groups
  • speaking at concerts and youth rallies
  • equipping bands with pro-life resources to take on tour
  • maintaining RFL chapters around the country


  • encouraging and participating in peaceful, legal street level activism
  • passing out literature in front of high schools
  • holding prayer and worship services in front of abortion clinics
  • participating in national pro-life events and activism
  • providing alternatives for girls in crisis pregnancies
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