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Kevin's Reports

WCW Super Brawl: February 18, 2001 *Lords of Pain* Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner with Midajah--- BPP does some mic work before the match. BPP shows footage of him breaking Sid's leg. BPP invites Ric Flair into the ring to say what will happen tonight if Nash does not show up. Flair says the loser of this match tonight leaves WCW forever. Flair goes back to the announce table. Nash's music starts up and two girls push him out in a wheel chair. Nash gets out of his chair. He had a gimmick cast leg. Nash hits BPP with the belt and the bell rings. Nash tells the referee to make the count. Nash covers BPP for the pin. Flair throws a fit. Flair says this is a 2 out of 3 falls match - No DQ. DDP is shown backstage and gets attacked by Totally Buff. Nash with a running clothesline on BPP. BPP is busted open. Clothesline by Nash for a two count. Nash pounds on BPP in the corner. Nash clotheslines BPP out of the ring. Midajah tries to interfere. Nash goes after her and BPP hits him with the pipe. Flair adds a new stipulation - falls count anywhere. The reason he did that is because BPP tried to put Nash back in the ring after the pipe shot but Nash was dead weight. BPP pins Nash on the outside. Flair tells the announce crew that Nash's first pin didn't count. BPP with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. BPP with a clothesline and a elbow drop for a two count. BPP with a backbreaker for a two count. BPP with a t-bone suplex for a two count. Nash with a sidewalk slam. Flair hands BPP a chair. BPP hits Nash on the side of the head with the chair. BPP puts Nash in the steiner recliner but Nash gets out. Both men trade punches. Nash chokeslams BPP but Midajah distracts the referee. Nash with a big boot to BPP. Nash lowers his strap. Nash jack knife powerbombs BPP but Midajah attacks the referee. Nash powerbombs Midajah. Flair decks the referee. Nash tries to pull Flair in but BPP low blows Nash. BPP hits Nash with brass nuckles and then with a chair. A second referee comes out. BPP puts Nash in the steiner recliner for the submission. Nash's career is over.--- Winners: Scott Steiner

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