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Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

These are some of my friends from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. We did the show in February of 2001, and it was great! I don't have pictures of all my friends yet, but I'm hoping to find some.

My Girls!

From left to right, this is Jennie, Allie, Nicole, some weird girl I don't know, and Mandy. They made my first show at Little Theatre awesome and I hope to do many more with them. Oh, and I stole this picture from Nicole. . . sorry Nicole. hehe Love you guys!

ANOTHER Donny?!?!

Ok, it is another Donny, but it's spelled differently, see? hehe This was taken one night at the most funnest place in the world...DENNY'S!!!! Yay! lol I go there a lot, and see lots of interesting people.

I'm ready for my close-up....

This is Chad. The first time I saw him, he was playing a ventriloquist's dummy in "Annie" and I thought he was adorable. Then I recognized him like my first week of college (even without the makeup!) and I was like, "Dude, you played Wacky in 'Annie'!" I think he thought I was pretty weird, but we started playing euchre together all the time and watching movies in the lounge. The car rides were probably the most interesting...I sat in the back seat screaming cuz I thought he was gonna hit something, but the thongs on the rear-view mirror were the best. lol Chad is going to move to New York and be a great actor someday. Then hopefully he'll come back here and direct "The Rocky Horror Picture Show!"