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Credits & Thanks

I took a little time out to give credit where it's do. When I first started this page, I had no idea what to do. Without help, I would have been lost, and this page would not be here. I would like to thank the following for allowing me to use pictures, articles, news, and graphics. I really appreciate it. If I forgot to mention anyone I'm sorry...Sheila

Special Thanks to:

Missy at Kidman's Korner, Dani at Shooting Star Kidman Page for the background, and pictures, and all your help (Love Ya Girl!), Paula at Wrestling Dungeon (for all your help, and the support/fan banners), Fanweb, DynamicDrive, Nici at Kidman Obsession, for news, certain pictures, stories, and interviews, Wrestleline, Kidman's World Tour, Val at Kidman's WCW for Kidman Sightings, Kidman Paradise, The People's Wrestling Website, The Best of Rey Jr.,, "Big Sexy" Offical Site, Super Vixen, Kidman Krazy Flyin Fury, Big Boys of WCW, Rowdy Girl, Lucha Madness, Kidman's Cathedral, Kidman City, Kidman Krazy, Fearless Three, Kidman's Klan, DDT Digest, Lords of Pain, Stinger's Turf, Sting Online, RMJL's Rey Mysterio Site, and last but not least IWZ City.



Articles, Interviews, T.V. Results