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Well I've created a background so far! I don't have many friends, but My best friend in the world is Mark.

Nicole:You and I've been bud's ever since 8th grade. I hope to continue to be friends for a long time. and I'm glad you love pizza hut as much as I do lol.

Amanda: We've been friends since 6th grade! I remember all the fun times we had especially the crush you had on Troy. I wish you could of got a chance with him. Your a great friend!

Emily: I'm sorry for being mean to you earlier, but we became good friends. Your fun to shop with! and We always have a tradiational lunch at Don Pablos.

Kate: Sometimes I dont understand you, but your fun to talk to online and I love shopping with you online and talking about music! those are common interests. I'm glad we are buds.

I dont have anymore friends, I used too but they deserted me. :(