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Welcome, thank you for taking the time to visit my web page. Currently, this site is in its beginning stages. Now, you may be wondering about the purpose of this page. This site was created to serve several purposes. First, I wish to express my interests to a wider spectrum of people as well as contact those with similar interests. Secondly, information is presented on the site on many and varied topics. With that in mind, feel free to explore everything this page has to offer.



Rocketry is an enjoyable activity for a variety of age groups (I would suggest supervision for those under 12). There is something available to challenge people of every skill level imaginable. I have found that rocketry teaches and instructs while providing hours of entertainment. In addition, an amazing sense of achievement is felt after successfully building and launching a rocket of your own. So, whether you are an expert builder or just curious, click below to blast off!

National Association of Rocketry


Chess-the classic game of medieval battles, that has been played for centuries. This game is sure to provide hours of enjoyment while improving mental capability and strategic thinking. Why not give it a try? I guarantee, if you are a grandmaster of this intriguing mind game or just want to learn something new, this link is for you. After all, as they say, chess takes five minutes to learn but a lifetime to master.

Looking for an Opponent? Challenge me, Slueth and countless others on IYT.com, a free gaming service.


Those who have a passion for the outdoors, a sense of risk and adventure, and a need for speed to make a point to explore the exciting world of all-terrain vehicles. I did, and its now one of my favorite hobbies. My vehicle of choice is the Polaris 400 Sport. One of the best locations I know of to ride is Haspin Acres in Indiana. Whether you are a seasoned veteran who likes to blaze new trails or just a person with one of qualities mentioned above I would suggest that you check out the link below if this topic interests you.

Haspin Acres


Attention anglers! If the ultimate fishing experience is what you crave, then look no further. A trip to Wallaston Lake Lodge is just that the doctor ordered. Located 100 miles south of the Arctic Circle, in Saskatchewan, Canada, Wallaston is a fisherman's paradise! If you enjoy the atmosphere of the northern wilderness AND are always on the quest for the "Big One", what could be better?

Walloston Lake Lodge

Click Here to View the Trophy Wall!





I am a young man with cerebral palsy, a physical handicap that causes spastisity. However, through both neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery, which I considered to be miraculous, the spastisity of my muscles is no longer a prohibitive factor. Some activities, such as walking long distances, are still difficult, however. I would like to introduce you to an organization, called Canine Companions for Independence, who has also greatly influenced my life. This organization provides highly trained assistance dogs for individuals with disabilities other than blindness. I was fortunate enough to receive my Golden Retriever, Avey from CCI in 1994. He has not only become very helpful in terms of completing tasks such as opening & closing doors and drawers, retrieving dropped items, and transporting things from one person or place to another; but he has become my lifelong companion. If you know someone who could benefit from having a service dog, or you would be interested in supporting Canine Companions for Independence, click here.

Cannine Companions for Independence

Science News

I don't know about you, but I am always interested to find out what's new in the world of science and the technology. In fact, science is my favorite subject in school. I think it's amazing how many advances we have made just in the last few years. If innovation interests you, get the latest news with ABC News.

ABC News.com - Science Articles

Questions, comments, & correspondence can be sent to knighthawk03@hotmail.com

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