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Travis Eastham's Home Page

Welcome to my homepage. I've decided to revamp things a little bit, so IM me, e-mail me, or sign the guestbook and let me know what you think. Thanks.

My Information


Barrett/Houck/Halloran Night Staff Page

Dedication to Michigan

Some Phat Links!!

Great food, among other things!!

Check out the South Park site!

My friend Todd's brand spanking new homepage

My friend Chris' homepage

My friend Dave's homepage

Yahoo-Great chatting and e-mail

Metacrawler-the best search engine out there!

Excite's games

Due George-My Uncle George's jewerly store

Dancing Hampsters-fun stuff!

Celebrity Desktops-a great selection of wallpaper and screensavers

Click here for some pictures!

Check out what my page would look like in a certain dialect!

I'd like to thank my good friend Todd for all of his help; without it, this page would suck even more than it already does! However, I am open to any suggestions or comments you may have. Feel free to send me a message via ICQ(#54647880), Yahoo Messenger(teege_98),AOL's Instant Messenger(TravOSU02), or e-mail me:

I hope I didn't bore you too much! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day, sign the guestbook before you leave, and come back soon!

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