
Pokémon originated in Japan. In English Pokémon is Pocket Monsters. They are little creatures that can fit inside pokballs. Pokballs are balls that are red on one side and white on the other, they have a little button in-between the two colors - which makes the pokball grow big/grow small. You catch pokémon in these and then you can keep your pokémon in here or when you want them to come out or go in. There are originally 150 of these creatures. There are different types of pokémon (ice,ground,rock,fire,water,poison,dragon,ghost,psychic,normal,eletric,bug,flying and fighting) They all have different abilities and are better against different types. The original version of the game was the red one. Then the blue was a special edition one (in Japan. in the USA or Canada It’s considered the same rarity as blue) . Then they started making a TV series out of it. That’s where they got the idea of pokémon yellow. The special pikachu edition which should be coming to Canada some time soon! They also made pokémon pinball. In Japan they have the green version but I don’t think it’ll be coming out here anytime soon! They also are making Pokémon Gold&Silver. That probably won’t be out anytime soon! I have a little more info on the games and where to get them off the Internet on my games page.
Now they have claimed to find more pokémon.
Like missingno. People claim different ways of finding it. I have never tested any of these ways myself so I don’t know if it’s true. One way is:Talk to the man in Viridan city who tought you how to catch Weedle. Say 'no' to him and watch again.Now fly to cinnabar Surf up and down the right side of the isle. You'll run into MISSINGNO. Now wether this is right or not I don’t know, but for the people who claim they’ve found it they say it’s kinda a glitch. It may mess up your game. There is one way to get it back to normal though.....I think it’s if you use an item it will return.
Another one claimed to be found ...and I think this won’t(I’ve never tried it though) work and it’s to get pikablu. What you do is get two people with pokémon and get a game link and trade Raichu through it 5 times then whoever has Raichu at the end uses a thunder stone on it then it will turn into Pikablu.
There’s also one for Flareth ( I doubt this works...I don’t even know who Flareth is!) You must defeat the Elite Four 4 102 times then talk to the guy who tells you about badges 401 times then talk to a man in Cerulean city and he’ll give you Flareth.
That’s all I have to say...if you want to put another weird fact on here e-mail me!pikachu_25@angelfire.com
this page was updated..............16/10/99