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Stag Thicket Official Site

Stag Thicket Info

Stag Thicket is :


guitar, harmonica, vocals

Stag Thicket is a country band, fronted and sometime is Jeremy Ritch. Started about 3 years ago Stag Thicket has went through numerous line up and style changes, but no matter what happens it all comes back to country, true country not modern crap. Though shows have been limited Jeremy continues to press on. After a short stint as frontman for Double Down, a side project rockabilly outfit consisting of altered Stag thicket songs and original Mercury Radio Theater songs, Jeremy decided do giive it another go. This summer he and a few friends recorded a punk e.p., the 2nd recording from the band and is working on a new full length of original country tunes. It will be in the vein of Johnny cash and Hank Williams. It is hopefully going to be released along with a new full length this summer. TAKE A LOOK OR SIGN THE BOOK........ PLEASE

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Bio and other news
Upcoming Gigs
Photos: Past and Present
Johnny Weston Mp3 (live/old west version)
Sometimes (live cry in your beer mix)
View's and Rants
