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Welcome to the official website of the Solon Division B Science Olympiad Team. Science Olympiad has always held its tradition in Solon, Ohio, as Solon's teams have been perennially one of the best teams in Ohio. Solon's division B team witnessed a stellar performance from its members this year, placing 3rd at the state competition at Ohio State University. Also this year, the team has won the Clearview Invitational, the Solon Invitational, the Roseville Invitational, and the Case Western Reserve University Regional Competition, and placed 2nd at the Northmont Invitational as well. Best wishes to all the team members, and we hope everyone tries out again for the team next year. Good luck to all the 9th graders who will now move on to Solon's division c team.

Notice: The http://go.to/solonso redirect link to the site is down, so from now on, use http://solonso.cjb.net to access the site. This is a faster redirect to the site, and there is no delay page with this service either.

-Latest News-Archived News

Saturday April 29, 2000
Pictures from the state competition were posted on the site today. Most are from the dinner at Red Robbins, but a few are from the actual competition. The formal party this year will be at Daemon's, at a time that is for now undecided. The informal end of the year party this year will be at Peter's house June 8th at 7.

Sunday April 16, 2000
The team returned from states late last night with a crushing 3rd place finish. Magsig had finished 2nd with only 8 points more than Solon had scored. Although the team's hopes of returning to the national competition have ended, their spirits are still held high. This was one of the best teams that Solon Division B Science Olympiad ever had, and certainly one of the most motivated. Solon had first place state finishes in 3 events, Physical Science Lab, Reach For The Stars, and Science Of Fitness. The team had also won medals in 14 events. The scheduled carwash in late April has, for now, been canceled. Team members will be notified of the date for the end of the season party. Pictures and results will be posted on this site soon. Best of luck to the Solon Division C team, Piqua and Magsig at the national competition in May, and also to the 9th graders on our team, who will move on to division c science olympiad.

Monday April 3, 2000
A few more pictures were added to the picture gallery from the Roseville Invitational. Most notably, a picture of the "deathball" game was added. The team is preparing for the state competition, taking place next week. This year's science olympiad cd is in the works, and should be available sometime after states.