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The Old Spaghetti Factory & Me

I've worked at The Old Spaghetti Factory(OSF) since my senior year of high school (April 20, 2002) so it has been a big part of my life for 3 years now(minus the time spent in Jacksonville). I've met a lot of people, made a lot of great friends, received great work experiences, made money, and had some extra fun on the side ;)

This is me in my OSF server uniform in 2004 looking in the paper for a new job.

Matt is my bestest friend at the OSF and my bestest guy friend ever (even though he never has time to hang out with me.j/p! and i can never seem to find the time to call him, no bueno) i love talking to him. Hes a awesome friend and a great guy! I LOVE YOU MATEO! i hope he doesnt go to cali, but if he does i will support his decision even though i will miss him whole bunches but i will definitely make time to call him!

Adam is my bf. Yes that's right everyone, he is. i dont know why you guys all have such a hard time believing that or why you guys are all like i would never expect that, but whatever - Im not who you think i am. I love hanging out with Adam, i have so much fun. He makes me laugh and i love being around him(even though he doesn't have time for me.j/p!) and he's almost as horny as i am which is wonderful! I really like him and i'm glad that i made him ask me out! ;)

I love working with Andi! she is so much fun to work with and definitely entertains me throughout those long shifts. When she's not working i have to say work is the boringest ever! we're both crazy and i dont know if some peeps can handle the two of us together.

Davencristen...all one word cause they're inseparable. They're so cute together. I remember them back in day when they weren't a couple...those were the good ol days.. j/p! but i have to say it was funny the other day when Evander "pushed" Cristen out of his way and then Dave got all pissed off and they were gonna fight. I would've loved to see that so much cause I want to see Evander get the shit beat out of him SO bad and I know Dave would've done that. Cristen is awesome, she's great to talk to. Dave is silly and always makes me smile. I love 'em both!

Andi, Jen, Me, Kris, and Katie on my last day of work. (til i came back)

Cory, Matt, Me, and Dave at Cory's house the night before i moved to Jacksonville. These are my boys. We've been together for 3 years now and i've come to love them all so much!

Michelle and I. I miss Michelle, she was the greatest!

more peeps to come later.

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