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"..............Someone shut her up.."

Theme taken from Sailor Moon Usagi Song...

The Flower Exhibition...



  "Hi Peeps..I'm Reeni..How are you?..*s*..Don't you think that Tux is doing a great job doing this Realm?..hehe Well this is where all the girls take a break from crime you will fine group pictures of us messing together and just being normal teens...Tux is going to put our school life in the realm as well..*geesh* about being fun!..Well this is the second part of the gallery..for those who have enter from another doesn't matter it's still a Gallery but you just skipped the first...Enjoy!....ooh please do E mail tux for more ideas for his site...You will not be ignored and will be credited..*s*..Everything seems a little bonkers in the realm hoping section but that will be fixed soon..The Teleporting girl is going to have more places for you as a shortcut being as the Kingdom is expanding rapidly!..well seeya all and please tell your friends to visit as well..*sheesh talk about being desperate*..Bye! ^_~

Well enjoy these Pictures of us...Tux originally didn't want to put a gallery up because of the speed and time of it to load but the response for a gallery was huge...please sign the guestbook if you like the Kindom..*s*..ooh also check it because there has been some cases that people who signed it, their message doesn't come up..*I wondered why it was soo bare..*sighs*.*..please be patience as the images load..^_^




..So we do we do in our space time?...Well have a look at our photo shots on a day out with Darien to a Flower exhibit..It's very funny and amusing what we get up to..hehe..Enjoy the First part of the clips..there are loads coming up I assure you..^_~