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The Ohio Hills Catfish Club SPONSORS



This is a list of the 2003 rules. I will have to make a few changes about the rules we voted on in the last meeting.

1. The following rules and regulations will be in effect. The tournament director will interpret these rules and regulations, and all decisions are final.

2. Membership; Annual circuit membership is required. Membership fee is $25.00 per person and is non-refundable.

3. Participation and eligibility: All anglers are eligible to participate and tournament. Any person under the age of (18) must have co-signature of their parents or legal guardian on entry form.

4. Team limits: There will be a (30) team limit.

5. Entry fee: The entry fee will be $20.00 per team per tournament. All entry fees are due by advertised entry deadline. There will be no entry fee for championship tournaments.

6. Tournaments: Six qualifying tournaments and a championship tournament will be held. Cash, trophies (if available) and qualifying points will be awarded to each tournament.

7. Scoring: All teams fishing will receive ten show up points, additionally, the first place will receive thirty points, second place twenty-nine etc. Placement of points will continue on a one point step down basis for all teams weighing fish. Finishing position is based on a total team weight minus the appropriate penalties.

8. Permitted fishing locations: Fishing is permitted within the tournament lake or river during specified times, except no contestant is allowed to fish within 50’ of another boat which is anchored. The weigh-in area the weigh in has commenced. Any area that has been commenced an “no fishing area” by the governing body of water or the tournament director.

9. Championship qualifications: The following criteria in descending priority will be used to determine the number of teams that will qualify for the championship tournament. (A) Meet all the contestants eligibility requirements stated in these rules. (B) The top ˝ of the 2003 circuit will fish the championship tournament.

10. Partners: If your partner cannot make the tournament, you must pay $20.00 entry fee regardless. Also if your original partner drops from the rest of the season, you may get another partner, however: the new partner must pay the $25.00 Entry fee regardless of the number of tournaments left in the season.

11. During the regular season if there is two teams that only have one person from each. They can team up bust fish and points will be separate. During the fish off if your team member cannot make the tournament, you may get another member from a team that didn’t qualify for the championship. An alternate can only fish with the team him or her sign up.

12. Tournaments will start at 7:00PM until 2:00AM, unless otherwise noted.

13. Only two fishing poles are to be used at one time. An ultra light rod and reel may be used to catch legal catfish bait. A maximum of {6} pound test line on the bait catching ultra light reel is to be used. A violation of this rule is grounds for termination from the Ohio Hills Catfish Club.

14. Pre-tournament meeting: A meeting will be held 30 minutes before each tournament. Rules pertaining to that particular tournament site, flight times, and tournament check in procedures will be discussed at this meeting. Both team members must be present unless only one is fishing.

15. There will be an (8) fish limit per team, and all fish must be over 12” in length. Channel, shovel, and blue cats are the only catfish that count.

16. Only (8) fish will be permitted to be weighed, if more than (8) fish are brought up to the scales there will be a (2) pound penalty.

17. All fish must be caught on rod and reel, no trotlines or jug fishing allowed.

18. Pre-tournament practice will be permitted up to the day of the tournament. On the day of the tournament no boats allowed on the water expect unloading you boat earlier than one (1) hour before tournament time.

19. Weigh-master, once you give your fish to the weigh-master you cannot take your fish back, any dead or short fish will not be weighed and your team will be deducted one (1) pound per dead or short fish.

20. In case of a tie; the team with the least number of fish takes the place and the other team will take nest place down.

21. Weigh in will be at assigned area at 2:00Am. Any team later that 2:15 AM. Will be disqualified for that tournament. No show up points.

22. Any team later that 2:00AM. Will be deducted five (5) pounds.

23. Any complaints will be heard at the weigh-in that night.

24. All state boating and fishing laws must be obeyed.

25. Any team that does not catch fish must check in to get their show up points. Reason being that contest officials won’t be waiting on someone who didn’t catch any fish but stayed out later than the tournament. Someone will wait to make sure that everyone makes it to the dock before going home.

26. Not following any of these rules may disqualify your team, for that tournament or the year depends on the violation. The other club members will vote on the matter. The tournament director will make the final decision.

This is the 2003, full list of the (26) rules that was given out at the last meeting. I will have to get the new rules and post them.

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Email: David Coyan, club member, or Travis, who is the new web page editor.