Dear GFWC Ohio Club Women,


With each new administration, exciting programs and challenges present themselves. Thank you for the privilege to serve as GFWC Ohio President. My promise to you is to do my very best to make this an exciting and fun-filled administration. I am honored and humbled to be writing this “President’s Message” for our GFWC Ohio Directory pages. I look forward to visiting as many clubs and attending as many club functions as possible.


“Once Upon a Time ~ Women Through Time” is our theme for the GFWC Ohio’s 2014-2016
Administration. Our focus will be studying our GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs history from its inception to the present time. Who were these Women Through Time from Ohio and what can still be learned from their stories? We will honor these women and share their stories with the help of the WHRC Chairman – Harriett Groh.


We must continue our plans to recruit and retain members. Our declining membership is a constant source of concern that we are faced with as is every other volunteer organization.


Our Special Emphasis for the 2014-2016 Administration will be in the Home Life Community Service Program, “Canine Companions for Independence/The Wounded Veterans Initiative. This is an organization that is so worthy of our help and support and our honored Wounded Veterans deserve every chance we can give them.


With GFWC’s new slogan “Living the Volunteer Spirit” we will continue with the remarkable
achievements we continue to make in our own communities and around the world. We are Awesome Women who will one day be the Women Through Time!


Thank you for believing in me and electing me to the office of GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs President and thank you in advance for honoring this position. Three Cheers for Ohio Club Women!


Yours in Federation,


Linda A. Ross
GFWC Ohio President