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Benny's Psychic Research and Personal Experiences

This is a picture of Paul Hamblin,"me" @ my daughters wedding w/the Gordon's May 20th 2000

This is Paul Hamblin with Santa @ my company christmas party 2002

Paul B. Hamblin, My abuction story

My Abduction story

Donna's abduction story and psychic experiences. Click here for Donna's story

Donna's Ghost Photo's. Click here for Donna's Ghost pics. Some family pic's. Psychic Experiences Psychic Dreams Religion and the beginnings of life on this planet Some interesting pictures

  • List of subjects
    • stories of a spiritual nature
    • Stories of U.F.O.'s
    • Stories of psychic dream's
    • E-mail your stories to the E-Mail address below

my favorite places

Near death Experiences Millennium Group vatican website Betty Eadie's website The Dream Zone Interesting books Interesting Pictures of the Sun

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:

Thank you for visiting my website. Please come back again and visit it. also please email me any experience you might have had. and I will respond back to you. again thank you!

webpage maintained and managed by Benny