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Lady Lantra Draven

This is my page linking my RP'g interests.Look around and enjoy.

I would like to thank a few people. First,, my role playing partner,,Eric102998. Your something else God Boy. I couldnt ask for a better friend,thanks for getting me going. Secondly,, Lord Delnar for his patience with me when things went wrong. My thanks to Del's RP partner TrystalGle, the pics were wonderful,,I really appreciate them. and to you my little dragon friend, NeoKi Drgn,, youv'e been great. Last but not least,, theres VSherryxxx ,::smiles:: the perfect RP daughter. Where would Eric and LLantra be without you. Keep up the good work to all those that use their imaginations so well.

Lady Lantra Draven

Lady Lantra Draven