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HM01 - Teaches Cut. You get it from the captain on the S.S. Anne after rubbing his back. (To use this ability outside of battle, you must beat Misty in Cerulean City).

HM02 - Teaches Fly. You get it from the girl who lives north of the start of Bicycle Road. (To use this ability outside of battle, you must beat Surge in Vermilion City).

HM03 - Teaches Surf. You get it from the secret house in the Safari Zone. (To use this ability outside of battle, you must beat Koga in Fuchsia City).

HM04 - Teaches Strength. You get it after giving the Warden in Fuchsia City his teeth. (To use this ability outside of battle, you must beat Erika in Celadon City).

HM05 - Teaches Flash. You get it from Prof. Oak's Aide after getting 10 found on your 'dex. (To use this ability outside of battle, you must beat Brock in Pewter City).


TM01 -Teaches Mega Punch

TM02 - Teaches Razor Wind.

TM03 - Teaches Sword's Dance.

TM04 - Teaches Whirlwind.

TM05 - Teaches Mega Kick

TM06 - Teaches Toxic.

TM07 - Teaches Horn Drill.

TM08 - Teaches Body Slam.

TM09 - Teaches Take Down

TM10 - Teaches Double Edge.

TM11 - Teaches Bubble Beam.

TM12 - Teaches Water Gun.

TM13 - Teaches Ice Beam.

TM14 - Teaches Blizzard

TM15 - Teaches Hyper Beam.

TM16 - Teaches Pay Day.

TM17 - Teaches Submission.

TM18 - Teaches Counter.

TM19 - Teaches Seismic Toss.

TM20 - Teaches Rage.

TM21 - Teaches Mega Drain.

TM22 - Teaches Solar Beam.

TM23 - Teaches Dragon Rage.

TM24 - Teaches Thunderbolt.

TM25 - Teaches Thunder.

TM26 - Teaches Earthquake.

TM27 - Teaches Fissure.

TM28 - Teaches Dig.

TM29 - Teaches Psychic.

TM30 - Teaches Teleport.

TM31 - Teaches Mimic.

TM32 - Teaches Double Team.

TM33 - Teaches Reflect.

TM34 - Teaches Bide.

TM35 - Teaches Metronome.

TM36 - Teaches Self Destruct.

TM37 - Teaches Egg Bomb.

TM38 - Teaches Fire Blast.

TM39 - Teaches Swift.

TM40 - Teaches Skull Bash.

TM41 - Teaches Soft Boiled.

TM42 - Teaches Dream Eater.

TM43 - Teaches Sky Attack.

TM44 - Teaches Rest.

TM45 - Teaches Thunder Wave.

TM46 - Teaches Psywave

TM47 - Teaches Explosion.

TM48 - Teaches Rock Slide.

TM49 - Teaches Tri Attack.

TM50 - Teaches Substitute.
