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   KaroL is just crazy about the planet Mars. Durring his formative years, KaroL spent his saturday afternoons at the local movie theater watching the bad science fiction of the fifties and early sixties. Films like They Conqured Space, The Angry Red Planet, and War of the Worlds filled him with desire to visit the Red Planet.
   Science fiction led to a study of the actual planet. KaroL consumed books and magazine articles about Mars. Pictures of our crimson neighbor covered his walls. He subscribed to Science News and Scientific American in order to keep up with NASA's discoveries.
   In 1996, KaroL got in contact with a researcher at Ames Research Center in California via the internet. KaroL mentioned to the researcher (David Catling) that he was writing a history of the history of the planet Mars. Catling liked the file so much that he gave KaroL a page on his web site. Karol continues his research to this day.

In His guise as Pokey Dokey,, KaroL has produced "Now that I'm here on Mars", a sad 23rd century folk song.

Cool Mars History