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Machine Guns used by and/or made in Hungary

8mm Schwarzlose Heavy Machine Gun Model 07/12.

Made by Steyr, Austria, 1905-18.
Caliber: 8x50R.
Delayed blowback.
1067mm [42 inch] overall, 20kg [44 lbs] + tripod 19.9kg [43.8 lbs]
527mm [20.75 inch] barrel.
Tangent rear sight.
Muzzle velocity 2000 feet/sec.
Cyclic rate: 400 rpm

This gun is remarkable for being the only machine gun based on the retarded blowback system which met with any degree of success prior to 1950. It was invented by Andreas Wilhelm Schwarzlose in Germany, in 1902. This weapon has a fixed barrel, few moving parts and rugged construction. The breech is at no time truly locked. When the gun fires, the rearward thrust of the exploding gases actually starts the action opening at the same instant it starts the bullet down the barrel. However by using a very short barrel and a combination of very heavy recoil parts and springs, plus a system for developing a mechanical advantage in the mechanism, Schwarzlose produced a machine gun which permitted the use of military rifle cartridges without an impossibly heavy breech mechanism. The gun was water cooled. It required lubrication of cartridge cases to prevent case ruptures caused by the action opening so fast that it drew the case back while the bore pressure was still too great, and the case was still sealed by expansion to the barrel chamber wall. An oil pump was built in, and on each stroke oil was squirted into the chamber to lubricate the incoming cartridge case. This system was eliminated by the 1912 modifications.

1931. Some Schwarzlose machine guns were modified to use the 8x56mm Model 31 cartridge; they are called the Model 07/31.

8mm Solothurn Machine Gun Model 31.

Made by Waffenfabrik Solothurn A.G., Switzerland, 1931-35.
Quantity: 2000-3000 purchased by Hungary.
Caliber: 8x56R.
Recoil operated, selective fire, 25-round detachable box magazine.
1175mm [46.25 inch] overall, 8.4kg [18.5 lbs].
600mm [23.6 inch] barrel.
Tangent rear sight, graduated 100-2000 meters.
Muzzle velocity 2395 feet/sec.
Cyclic rate: 450-500 rpm

Solothurn machine gun developed by Louis Stange. The dual trigger system provided single fire or full auto operation. It featured a quick-change barrel system.

8mm Aircraft Machine Gun Model 34/AM.

Made by Hungary, 1934-?.
Caliber: 8x56R.
Recoil operated, selective fire, two 75-round detachable drum magazines.
Tangent rear sight, graduated 100-2000 meters.
Muzzle velocity 2395 feet/sec.
Cyclic rate: 1000 rpm

A modification of the Model 31: A muzzle booster was added to allow the increase in the rate of fire. Each of the drum magazines were used alternately for each firing, to prevent the center of gravity from being affected as the firing continues.

8mm Solothurn Machine Gun Model 43.

Made by Waffenfabrik Solothurn A.G., Switzerland, 1931-?.
Converted by Hungary, 1943-45.
Caliber: 7.92x57.
Recoil operated, selective fire, 25-round detachable box magazine.
1175mm [46.25 inch] overall, 8.4kg [18.5 lbs].
600mm [23.6 inch] barrel.
Tangent rear sight, graduated 100-2000 meters.
Muzzle velocity 2395 feet/sec.
Cyclic rate: 450-500 rpm

Panceltoro Machine Gun Pz.B.38

Info soon

Gebauer Machine Gun 41M

Info courtesy of Csaba Becze:
The designer, Gebauer was an engineer at Danuvia. These guns were used in the Toldi I tanks, on river guarding speedboats and on airplanes.
Versions included drum feeders, and motor-drives for the pilots. This was a unique design. The cyclic rate of firing was varied with the speed of the drive motor. Italy purchased the licence for this weapon.
