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This is Jess. She's really crazy sometimes; she loves to hear laughter, especially her own--she figures she has a lot of catching up to do. Maybe if you laugh enough you can cancel out all the tears in your life.....

Low Radiation

The child screams and all her innocence comes roaring out. Like jello, it spews out onto the sidewalk. A tall man in a black top hat and a long black trench coat swiftly walks by and stomps on it, without ever looking at it, without ever caring about what he has done. I saw this child as this happened. She was costumed, disguising her true beauty. From the corner alley, where the street lights wouldn't allow their beams to shine, I stood and watched. And after it was all over, after she had puked it all out and left it as a slobby, unidentifiable mess and after several men in long trench coats and marred, blurry faces had struted by, she lay there. One single street light glowed above her. Her knees curled up near her head, she closed her eyes. Gradually her tightly held fists of anger unrolled, and her fingers lay curled ever so slightly. The brick wall behind me must have felt the pressure of my body as i leaned into it more and more and eventually slumped down, falling to the ground. Knees to my face, I buried my head deeper and soon heard the pitter of my tears on the ground. I awoke with a kick to the side. But then a hand reached down to me; I was surprised when my half opened eyes saw it in front of my dirty face. I grabbed it and slowly got back up on my feet. Sleeping against a brick building had not done my body much good. Before leaving this place, I looked under the street light where she had laid. All that was left was a stain. I hadn't even said goodbye.

the Deftones rock

Rain hits the blacktop on the street outside my room and crackles like a bowl of rice crispies. Cars slush through, their tailpipes emitting a visible puff of smoke. The temperature has dropped; last night we played football in jeans and t-shirts until the sun grew tired of watching our pathetic attempt at the game and called it quits for the night. We struted back into the building, a little out of breath but maybe that was also from all the laughing. Now the air is chilly; it's 11:15 am and i think i fell asleep about 6 am, but i couldn't sleep anymore. the steady drizzle since early this morning continues, the clouds allowing only minimal natural sunlight; most of my light right now is from this computer screen. last night, with those same friends i played football with, i went to the cheese--that rank dance club/bar. we were all a little tipsy, some more than others, and that is the only way to go to that place! Amy left early, walking back on her own. She had said she wasn't going to enjoy herself or have a good time, that she just wanted to be depressed. Well, I can understand that. "I'm only happy when it rains.." Sometimes it feels so satisfying to be miserable; sometimes laying in bed in your room all alone and crying can be extremely theraputic. But i know ames had a good time; we were dancing it up!! When we got back to the dorm, she left a note saying she went to Chad's, which hopefully was a good thing considering he is her boyfriend, although they may be splitting. Katie and Eric left early, too because Katie was falling all over the place--damn funny stuff considering this girl isn't a drinker. So, that left Theresa, Eric number 2, and me. When we finally left it was just starting to sprinkle; it was 2 am. Relief swooped into our faces as we walked out the doors of the cheese; finally fresh air! It blew through our hair, drying our sweaty heads and faces. My ears still receiving sounds at a muffled level, I walked up the street; my shoes rubbed against my wet feet and formed blisters. the light rain splatered on our arms and faces, mixing with sweat. Two a.m. in Athens, Ohio might make one believe he was in mardi gras, or a big outdoor party. drunk and randy, the bar patrons go out in search of food, as their primitive nature crawls out. they need food, from Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway or any of the local speciality street restaurants, like Goodfella's pizza...yummm. Two a.m. is sort of outside party hour as everyone eats and walks to their parties. In an hour, the streets will be quiet, except for a few random drunk girls singing 80's songs or a couple of guys onto their next party, drunk and unrealizing how loud their voices are. "Well, I'm gonna confront her cuz i do not need her shit anymore," I heard a girl's voice say from behind me as we walked back to the dorms. "No shit, she's such a ho. I mean, where is her boyfriend in all of this?" another girl's voice asked, total conviction in her voice. Tomorrow at this time, they would remember none of this and would never confront this girl. A car pulled up beside Theresa so we all stopped. it was her friend Gabe and his buddies cruising in his large SUV. "Well, i just don't think anyone has ever told her before," one of the girls commented as they all walked past us. I watched them walk. their tight jeans allowed little room for a jiggle in their butt as they walked downhill; stylish shoes were probably giving them the same problems of blisters i was experiencing. tiny low cut shirts completed the attire upon their bodies. I never saw their faces, but I can see them in my mind. I see them all the time, generic drunk faces. Generic faces. I guarantee I will see those girls again. "Jess, you wanna come," theresa asked as she stepped into gabe's car. "naw, i want to get to bed." Theresa smiled without exposing her teeth and cocked her head to the side a little. "alright, well i'll see you later." I smiled back; when had i ever really seen her?

The Man--Jimi

Ok, Jimi Hendrix just rules. No one can tell me otherwise. Time for Props/Shout-outs/whatever the hell to: