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Feast of Tabernacles 2000
Chattanooga, TN

Black and White

Aaron and Tricia
David Jones
Dawn and Britt
Hank Chadwick
Hannah Eastridge
Hannah and Kristen Billinghire
group of friends on the Last Great Day
Me and Billy
Steph D and Billy
Stevo hard at work :)

Last Great Day pictures

Aaron Jones
Anita showing me how much she loves me..
Bill Campbell
Billy :)
Billy and Cori
Britt and Amber
Chattanooga Festival Choir
Cindy Ewers
Dan got a gold star!
The girl who danced for us at lunch at the Mariott
David and Billy
David and Mark
Me, Cindy, Vicki, and Alicia
Me and Jeanna
Joe at lunch
John Billinghire
Kevin Donahoo
Kevin B.
Me and Cindy (I bought the dress FIRST...:) )
everyone at lunch at the Mariott
Nina and Sarah
Joe in front of the mariott, in the middle of the fountain...
Steph Milligan
Vanessa and Stacey at lunch
Vicki trying to hide

Family Day

Me and Stephs camel.
Picture of Dan my 4 year old friend Cheyanne took of Dan
Dan playing on the playground
David posing
Hank in his natural habitat...
Krystle being attacked by the evil goats
Mark and Dan (and Mojo)
cool playground... Dan and Mark playing chicken
Potato Sack Race
Three-Legged potato sack race
"I beat the teeagers!!"

other pictures

Britt, Anita, Leah
Me, Steph, Steve H, Joe, Mark, Kevin, and Dan in a photo booth

Well, that's it for this year, folks. Hope you enjoy! Click Here to go back to my picture index.