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Corrections Today

Correction Officer
Rachel Reeb

Welcome to Correction Links
Corrections Through Female Eyes

I have been a Corrections Officer for 6 years and on the Special Response team.

I breed and show Arabian horses. I love all breeds of horses, but most of all I love the Arabian breed. The Arabian possess a fire and beauty that is far beyond what I can describe. They are very loyal and willing to do what you want and give their all. For thousands of years that have helped man in battle and travel. They survive when no other horse can. The Arabian is a horse of shear beauty, intelligence and strength.

I also Shoot Archery and love riding my Harley.

Here are my favorite links. Please come and visit them.

A Corrections Officer

I Am The Man Or Woman Called C/O

I am the Officer. I have been where you fear to be. I have seen what you fear to see. Done what you fear to do. All these things I have done for you. I am the person the inmates spit upon, the person you send these inmates to. all these things I have been for you. The person you call, the C/O's in grey are just people., like you. All through the years I've come to see. I cannot be all you ask of me. so take this badge, take this gun; Will you take it? Will anyone? And when you watch a person die, or when you hear their vicitms cry, then do you think that you can be, all these things you ask of me?

~~~My Favorite Links~~~

Site for Correction Officers

Prison Zone
Welcome to the Bar Hotel
Corrections ConnectionYou were meant for me
Corrections Connection
The Cell House

~Prison Art Gallery~
~Art Gallery 2~

Writers From Inside

Correctional Officers Here's Your Chance

Prison Tattoos
Inside Story (Prison Tattoos)

Prison Gangs

Gang Infromation
Gang Tattoos
Prison Gangs
Security Threat Goup Wareness

Are Gangs in your Cities or Towns???
Prison Database

Criminal Justice Data
Ohio Offender Database Search

Prison Statistics

Federal Bureau of Prisons
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Correctons Statistics

The Victim

Victim Offender Mediation

~~LIVE~~Jail Cam

~~LIVE~~Jail Break

Profit & Punishment

Prison Violence

Inmate Violence

Prison Riots

Inside The Prison
Lucasville Riot


The Arabian Horse

White Arabian

Police Graphics


Best homepage of the month
Convicts & Cops

"A Correction Officer's Prayer"

Lord I ask for courage Courage to face and Conquer my own fears... Courage to take me Where others will not go... I ask for strength Strength of body to protect others And strength of spirit to lead others... I ask for dedication Dedication to my job, to do it well Dedication to my community To keep it safe... Give me Lord, concern For others who trust me And compassion for those who need me... And please Lord Through it all Be at my side...