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Champions MUSH -- Kinetica

Champions Mux: Brandi Brinkley (a.k.a. Kinetica)

This is Brandi/Kinetica as seen on Champions Mux telnet://
Brandi Brinkley is a current member of the HOPE SQUAD
along with her twin sister Brenda (a.k.a. Fire), their cousin Janet van Pelt (a.k.a Ice), and rounding out the team are Natalie Northland(a.k.a. Silverblue), Joan Arcman (a.k.a Joan d'Arc), Alex Common (a.k.a Shadow),and the always crazy but loyal Alexandria Promise (a.k.a Fluffybunny). These heroes are being trained by the mysterious "Lady," who has approached them after Brandi and Brenda's mother was kidnapped by unknown perpetrators.

Vital Statistics
NAME: Brandi Brinkley
AGE: 20
RACE: Human
SEX: Female
Affiliation: Hero


15 Telekinetic durability - 15 PD 15 ED Damage resistance 0
10 EC: Telekinetic powers 0
10 - 10" Flight 4
10 - Force Wall 4 PD 4 ED 4
24 - 16 STR Telekinesis with fine control 3
5 Mind Link (Brenda/Fire) Na.

10 Eidetic Memory
5 1d6 Luck

5 Acrobatics 14-
3 High Society 12-
3 Computer Programming 13-
3 Deduction 11-
1 KS: Society people 8-
3 Combat Training - 12-
99 Powers Cost + 126 Characteristics Cost = 225 Total Cost

Val Cha Base Cost Pts
30 STR.........10 x 1 20
17 DEX.........10 x 3 21
20 CON.........10 x 2 20
12 BODY........10 x 2 4
15 INT.........10 x 1 5
15 EGO.........10 x 2 10
15 PRE.........10 x 1 5
16 COM.........10 x 1/2 3
15 PD..........6 x 1 9
15 ED..........4 x 1 11
4 SPD.........2.7 x 10 13
12 REC.........10 x 2 4
40 END.........40 x 1/2 0
38 STUN........37 x 1 1
Characteristics Cost: 126
Powers Cost: 99
Total Cost:225

Disadvantage 100 + Pts
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
Secret ID: Brandi Brinkley (Socialite) 15
Psych Lim: Code of Honor (Won't kill, Protects Innocents - Common, Strong) 15
Psych Lim: Niave and trusting (very common, moderate) 15
Reputation: Highly Publicized Gadfly Socialite - 14- 15
DNPC: Harvey Brinkley (Father, Police Officer, Normal- 11-) 15
DNPC: Judy Brinkley (mother, Supermodel - Normal - 11- 15
Hunted: Stinger. More Powerful, NCI. 8- 15
Psych Lim: Protective of Innocents (common, strong) 15
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
225 (Total Points) = 0 (Experience) + Disadvantages: 225

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Brandi's background
Brandi's stats