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KrIsSy'S PaGe

My Favorite Stuff:

Hi guys. Thanks for takin' time to check out my web site. ***Click on the Picture links to see some pics of me and my friends!*** For those of you who don't really know who I am here is some info about me. I am 17 years old and am a SENIOR at Edison High School. Some of my best friends are: ****LANCE DESPER****Not only are you my boyfriend but you are also my best friend. You make my life complete. You are my world and everything in it. I hope that you are right about this lasting because I can't see myself with anyone but you...I LOVE YOU with all my heart, soul, mind, and body. ***MIRANDA MANSON***-A.K.A. MIR-DOGG (my PRIMA-DONNA partner in crime!) Hi babe. You are the best friend I could ever ask for. I love you with all my heart and hope we stay friends forever!! Never forget ALL of our great times like Myrtle beach w/ Chris, Johnny, Giocanni, BEEF, and "thongs"....and this year in Myrtle w/ Josh, Joey, Lee,and his friends ? and ?, keithon, 1104 boys, bob, Josh, and Brad and Mike and how they left!! They were all cuties. Me puking on you in the car on the way to the hospital, and the pubic hair in our chinese food. ***AMBER KUZMICH***-We have had some pretty wild times. Remember them all. You are one of my best friends. I love ya girl. Good Luck with Goody. ***AMY SABOL***-A.K.A. PEARL(My other partner in crime) Don't forget how cool we were in 6th grade(dare i bring up "wrong hoop sabol", mir, kir and amir), the mule, being Jessica Manner and Mandy Prysibella to Wayne, The black "WHAT" probe(Marcus), how we can get home from Carrollton in 3 minutes flat if we just follow Travis. I love ya! ***JAY RILEY***-A.K.A.JOHNNY- Johnny boy,....remember our zoo times, my crazy obsession w/ joey, how you are ALWAYS right about those TORONTO boys, your crazy obsession with my aunts, our homecoming night, your KILLER parties, the way you manage to drive like a maniac and not KILL anyone. Thanks for all the FREE mt. dew freezes and wings(it pays to be best friends with the owner of Kwik King's). I love Ya! ***A.J. Smith***-Look I'm gonna have to cut you off from steve if your trash mouth doesn't stop!! What kind of influence is he??? And to many many others I forgot I love ya all!! Don't forget to sign my slambook!!! =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-) =-)

My Favorite Web Sites

sign my slambook
Check out some pictures of me and my friends!
Some more pictures of me and my friends
PIMPDADDY.COM.....It's Dyn-O-Mite!!!
Cool Clothes, Cool Quizzes
The Official LYNYRD SKYNYRD Web Site
PornStar, Blink 182, Hurley, Billabong, etc.. Clothes
World Industries!
Our International Title was won Here.
